python - 嵌套字典之间的顶级匹配

时间:2016-11-01 15:15:55

标签: python dictionary


  'playlist1': {'Karma Police': 2.0,'Bittersweet Symphony': 3.0,'The Queen Is Dead':4.0,'Song 1': 1.0},
  'playlist2': {'Bittersweet Symphony': 1.0,'Karma Police': 1.0,'The Queen Is Dead': 7.0,'Song 2': 1.0 },
  'playlist3': {'Karma Police': 4.0,'Bittersweet Symphony': 4.0,'The Queen Is Dead':3.0,'Song 3': 1.0}


def sim_distance(users,playlist1,playlist2):
  Returns a distance-based similarity score for 
  playlist1 and playlist2
  # Get the list of shared_items
  for item in users[playlist1]:
    if item in users[playlist2]:
  # if they have no ratings in common, return 0
  if len(si)==0: return 0
  # Add up the squares of all the differences
                          for item in users[playlist1] if item in users[playlist2]])
  return 1/(1+sum_of_squares)

#print sim_distance(users, 'playlist1', 'playlist2')


def topMatches(users,playlist,n=2,similarity=sim_distance):

   Returns the best matches for user from 
   the prefs dictionary.
   Number of results and similarity function 
   are optional params.

                       for other in users if other!=playlist]
# Sort the list so the highest scores appear at the top 
  scores.sort( )
  scores.reverse( )
  return scores[0:n]

topMatches(users, 'playlist1')

打印:[(0.14285714285714285, 'playlist3'), (0.06666666666666667, 'playlist2')]


                    'tracks': [        
                    {'name': 'Karma Police','artist': 'Radiohead', 'count': 1.0},
                    {'name': 'Bitter Sweet Symphony','artist': 'The Verve','count': 2.0},  
                    {'name': 'Song 1a','artist': 'Band 1a','count': 2.0}                  
                    'tracks': [        
                    {'name': 'We Will Rock You','artist': 'Queen', 'count': 3.0},
                    {'name': 'Roxanne','artist': 'Police','count': 5.0},
                    {'name': 'Song 1b','artist': 'Band 1b','count': 2.0}                     
                    'tracks': [        
                    {'name': 'Karma Police','artist': 'Radiohead', 'count': 1.0},
                    {'name': 'Bitter Sweet Symphony','artist': 'The Verve','count': 4.0},
                    {'name': 'Song 2a','artist': 'Band 2a','count': 2.0}                      
                    'tracks': [        
                    {'name': 'We Will Rock You','artist': 'Queen', 'count': 4.0},
                    {'name': 'Roxanne','artist': 'Police','count': 1.0},
                    {'name': 'Song 2b','artist': 'Band 2b','count': 2.0}                     
                    'tracks': [        
                    {'name': 'Karma Police','artist': 'Radiohead', 'count': 4.0},
                    {'name': 'Bitter Sweet Symphony','artist': 'The Verve','count': 6.0},
                    {'name': 'Song 3a','artist': 'Band 3a','count': 1.0}                      
                    'tracks': [        
                    {'name': 'We Will Rock You','artist': 'Queen', 'count': 8.0},
                    {'name': 'Roxanne','artist': 'Police','count': 3.0},
                    {'name': 'Song 3b','artist': 'Band 3b','count': 4.0}                     


1) sim_distance(users,playlist1,playlist2)

2) topMatches(users,playlist,n=2,similarity=sim_distance)



1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:1)

我根据您发布的最新数据做了一些假设。 代码未经测试,我不得不从列表理解中分解为丑陋的for循环。这些词典以烦人的方式嵌套,所以我无法使它更清晰

import operator

def sim_distance(playlist1, playlist2):
    Returns a distance-based similarity score for 
    playlist1 and playlist2
    # Flatten playlists
    playlist1, playlist2 = list(playlist1.values())[0], list(playlist2.values())[0]
    sum_of_squares = 0.
    for i in range(len(playlist1['tracks'])):
        for j in range(len(playlist2['tracks'])):
            if playlist1['tracks'][i]['name'] == playlist2['tracks'][j]['name']:
                sum_of_squares += (playlist1['tracks'][i]['count'] - playlist2['tracks'][j]['count'])**2

    # if they have no ratings in common, return 0
    if (sum_of_squares < 10e-10): return 0.

    return 1/(1+sum_of_squares)

def topMatches(users, playlist, n=2, similarity=sim_distance):

    Returns the best matches for a playlist of a user
    The candidates are all other playlists of others users.
    users is a list of dictionaries.

    This code assumes that each playlist has a different name
    Number of results and similarity function 
    are optional params.
    playlist_name = list(playlist.keys())[0] 
    scores = {}
    for user in users:
        for other_playlist in list(user.values())[0]:
            other_name = list(other_playlist.keys())[0]
            # Making sure not to compare the playlist with itself
            if  playlist_name != other_name:
                scores[other_name] = sim_distance(playlist, other_playlist)

    # Sort the list so the highest scores appear at the top 
    sorted_scores = sorted(scores.items(), key=operator.itemgetter(1))
    return sorted_scores[0:n]

#Playsts_userX as defined in the question
users = [playlists_user1, playlists_user2, playlists_user3]
test_playlist = {'playlist1A': {'tracks': [{'artist': 'Radiohead',
    'count': 1.0,
    'name': 'Karma Police'},
   {'artist': 'The Verve', 'count': 2.0, 'name': 'Bitter Sweet Symphony'},
   {'artist': 'Band 1a', 'count': 2.0, 'name': 'Song 1a'}]}}
    topMatches(users, test_playlist, n=8)


[('playlist2A', 0.07692307692307693),
 ('playlist3A', 0.013157894736842105),
 ('playlist1B', 0.0),
 ('playlist3B', 0.0),
 ('playlist2B', 0.0)]