XDocument documentType null引用

时间:2016-11-01 10:55:46

标签: c# asp.net xml


我正在制作一本书。每本书都有页面,每个页面都可以有文本项和图像。我试图将这些对象保存在Xml文件中。  我第一次保存对象一切顺利。 Xml由c#创建,加载,填充并保存。当我尝试向书中添加/保存新页面时,我无法获取已存在的Xml文件。问题是我的代码永远不会达到我可以读取文件的程度。当我创建一个空的XDocument对象时,它会出错。错误说" documentType是一个空引用"。


调试器在XDocument doc之后停止; (在LoadXml中)然后抛出图像中显示的NullReferenceException。 通过向XML添加XDocumentType节点来解决此问题。

新错误: 新错误表明XDocument的Root是一个空引用。在DocumentType给出错误之前。


/// <summary>
/// Loads the XML file for the given path.
/// A new document will be created if the file does not exist or is corrupted.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="collectionId">The collectionId to load the file from.</param>
/// <param name="newFile">A boolean result which states if the returned file is new.</param>
/// <returns>The requested file or a new one.</returns>
public static XDocument LoadXml(int collectionId, int version, out bool newFile, CollectionType collectionType)
    newFile = false;
    XDocument doc; // Here I get the error when I run the code for a second time

    string file = GetXmlPath(collectionId, collectionType, version) + "/photobook.xml";

    if (System.IO.File.Exists(file))
            doc = XDocument.Load(file);
            newFile = true;
            doc = CreateNewXml();
        newFile = true;
        doc = CreateNewXml();

    return doc;


/// <summary>
/// Add and save a new page to an existing book. 
/// </summary>
/// <param name="pageInfoParam">New pageInfo object that has to be added to the collection.</param>
/// <param name="collectionId">Id of the collection which is being edited.</param>
/// <param name="version">Version of the collection which is being edited.</param>
/// <returns>True if succesful.</returns>
public static bool SaveNewPageInfo(PageInfo pageInfoParam, int collectionId, int version)

    bool result = false;
    // Make sure the collection exists
    if (!CollectionExists(collectionId, version))
        Logger.log("Error: Collection {0} not found.", collectionId);
        throw new Exception("Fotoboek niet gevonden.");

    Logger.log("Saving page info...");

    bool newFile;
    XDocument doc = XmlService.LoadXml(collectionId, version, out newFile, CollectionType.collection);

    if (!newFile)
        // This should never happen, we just successfully saved the XML
        result = false;
        Logger.log("Xml could not be loaded when trying to save a new page.");
        throw new Exception("Fout bij het opslaan van de nieuwe pagina.");

    // Get all current pages from the document.
    List<XElement> pages = doc.Root.Element("inner").Elements("page").ToList();

    #region New page in new book
    // If no pages available we have to add a new page element.


    #region Edit existing page in book
    // If pages exist find the page we edited, remove all text and add the new text.


    // Try to save the XML file
    if (!XmlService.SaveXml(doc, collectionId, version))
        Logger.log("Xml could not be saved.");
        throw new Exception("De pagina kon niet worden opgeslagen.");
        Logger.log("Page info for collection {0} saved successfully in Xml.", collectionId);
        result = true;
        return result;


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<!DOCTYPE Book SYSTEM "Book.dtd"> 
<album version="0.2" settingsVersion="1">   
    <size />   
    <cover />   
               <value>Test </value>


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