
时间:2016-11-01 05:24:44

标签: batch-file

我正在尝试运行程序并获取其PID,以便在程序执行期间挂起时我可以终止该程序。我无法用程序名杀死程序,因为PC上会运行多个程序。 我遇到了论坛并得到了wmic使用的建议,但我无法通过使用wmic调用它获得程序的输出。

这与本文中提到的问题大致相同: Remote Netstat to STDOUT with WMIC?


   wmic process call create "cmd /C > C:\temp\test.txt 2>&1 netstat.exe -ano" 



2 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:0)

此问题的一个示例: How to capture the PID of a process when launching it in DOS ?

@echo off
rem there is a tab in the file at the end of the line below
set tab=    
set "cmd=cmd /k ^> C:\temp\test.txt 2^>^&1 netstat.exe -ano"
set dir=%~dp0

echo Starting MyProg
set pid=notfound

for /F "usebackq tokens=1,2 delims=;=%tab% " %%i in (
    `wmic process call create "%cmd%"^, "%dir%"`
) do (
    if %%j gtr 0 (
        set "pid=%%j"
Call :Trim "%pid%"
echo MyPID = "%pid%"
echo Hit any key to kill the process created by WMIC 
Taskkill /F /PID %pid%
pause & exit
:Trim <String>
set "vbsfile=%tmp%\%~n0.vbs"
    echo Wscript.echo Trim("%~1"^)
for /f "delims=" %%a in ('Cscript /nologo "%vbsfile%"') do ( set "pid=%%a" )
If Exist "%vbsfile%" Del "%vbsfile%"
exit /b

答案 1 :(得分:0)


Is acquired

您还可以将start "UniqueWindowTitle" cmd /c "ping /t google.de >out.txt 2>&1" timeout /t 10 taskkill /fi "WINDOWTITLE eq UniqueWindowTitle" 2>nul type out.txt 添加为/min切换为不显示该框。