
时间:2016-11-01 05:03:10

标签: swift string uitableview uifont


错误 -

enter image description here

实际代码 -

func tableView(tableView: UITableView, heightForRowAtIndexPath indexPath: NSIndexPath) -> CGFloat
        let height:CGFloat = self.calculateHeightForString(downloadTableDataa[indexPath.row] as! String)
        return height + 70.0

    func calculateHeightForString(inString:String) -> CGFloat
        let messageString = inString
        let attributes =  UIFont.init(name: "Roboto-Regular", size: 15)

        let attrString:NSAttributedString? = NSAttributedString(string: messageString, attributes: attributes)
        let rect:CGRect = attrString!.boundingRectWithSize(CGSizeMake(300.0,CGFloat.max), options: NSStringDrawingOptions.UsesLineFragmentOrigin, context:nil )//hear u will get nearer height not the exact value
        let requredSize:CGRect = rect
        return requredSize.height  //to include button's in your tableview


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let attributes = UIFont.init(name:"Roboto-Regular", size:15.0) <---- UIFont
let attrString:NSAttributedString? = NSAttributedString(string: messageString, attributes: attributes) <---- wants a dictionary of type [String:AnyObject]


let stringAttributes = [NSFontAttributeName: UIFont(name: "Roboto-Regular", size: 18.0)!] 
let attrString = NSAttributedString(string: messageString, attributes: stringAttributes)