
时间:2016-11-01 00:53:46

标签: python class global


class Person(object):     
    def __init__(self, name):         
        self.name = name  

    def say(self, stuff):         
        return self.name + ' says: ' + stuff     
    def __str__(self):         
        return self.name  

class Lecturer(Person):     
    def lecture(self, stuff):         
        return 'I believe that ' + Person.say(self, stuff)  

class Professor(Lecturer): 
    def say(self, stuff): 
        return self.name + ' says: ' + self.lecture(stuff)

class ArrogantProfessor(Professor): 
    def say(self, stuff): 
        return self.name + ' says: It is obvious that ' + Lecturer.lecture(self, stuff)

    def lecture(self, stuff):
        return 'It is obvious that ' + Lecturer.lecture(self, stuff)


>>> pe.say('the sky is blue')
Prof. eric says: I believe that eric says: the sky is blue 

>>> ae.say('the sky is blue')
Prof. eric says: It is obvious that I believe that eric says: the sky is blue

我应该补充一点,pe = Professor('eric')ae = ArrogantProfessor('eric') 更改基本上是在开头添加Prof.标题,因此它对所有方法都是通用的。因此我尝试添加类似" title"到self.name课程__init__方法中的Person(object) - 但没有成功。有没有人有更好的主意谢谢!

2 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:0)

class Professor(Person):
    def __init__(self, name):
        self.name = 'Prof. ' + name





此问题的关键是覆盖function chunk(\Generator $generator, $n) { for ($i = 0; $generator->valid() && $i < $n; $generator->next(), ++$i) { yield $generator->current(); } } function foo() { for ($i = 0; $i < 11; ++$i) { yield $i; } } for ($gen = foo(); $gen->valid();) { $chunk = []; foreach (chunk($gen, 3) as $value) { $chunk[] = $value; } print json_encode($chunk) . "\n"; }

答案 1 :(得分:0)



class Professor(Lecturer):
    def say(self, stuff):
        return 'Prof. ' + self.name + ' says: ' + self.lecture(stuff)

class ArrogantProfessor(Professor):
    def say(self, stuff):
        return super(ArrogantProfessor, self).say(stuff)
    def lecture(self, stuff):
        return 'It is obvious that ' + Lecturer.lecture(self, stuff)


Ben Jarrett所述,您也可以修改Professor.\__init__()方法而不是上述方法,但在这种情况下,您的输出将变为:

Prof. eric says: I believe that Prof. eric says: the sky is blue
Prof. eric says: It is obvious that I believe that Prof. eric says: the sky is blue