
时间:2016-10-31 16:57:16

标签: php fatal-error


我正在使用FPDF库,我正在尝试实现Header()方法。我在类中添加了2个受保护的变量,并修改了构造函数以接受将设置它们的值。但是,当我尝试从Header()方法访问这些变量时,我得到了'致命错误:无法访问空房产"。 我不知道我做错了。这让我发疯了。


$pdf = new FPDF("Hello", "Whatever");
$pdf->AddPage() //this method calls the Header() method , and it get called many times through the code


完整代码: fpdf library(下载并获取V1.81)

标题方法:(上述属性为$ headerLeft)

function Header()
    $this->Cell(30,10, $this->$headerLeft);

    // Move to the right
    // Title

    $this->Cell(30,10,  $this->$headerRight);
    // Line break


class FPDF
protected $page;               // current page number
protected $n;                  // current object number
protected $offsets;            // array of object offsets
protected $buffer;             // buffer holding in-memory PDF
protected $pages;              // array containing pages
protected $state;              // current document state
protected $compress;           // compression flag
protected $k;                  // scale factor (number of points in user unit)
protected $DefOrientation;     // default orientation
protected $CurOrientation;     // current orientation
protected $StdPageSizes;       // standard page sizes
protected $DefPageSize;        // default page size
protected $CurPageSize;        // current page size
protected $CurRotation;        // current page rotation
protected $PageInfo;           // page-related data
protected $wPt, $hPt;          // dimensions of current page in points
protected $w, $h;              // dimensions of current page in user unit
protected $lMargin;            // left margin
protected $tMargin;            // top margin
protected $rMargin;            // right margin
protected $bMargin;            // page break margin
protected $cMargin;            // cell margin
protected $x, $y;              // current position in user unit
protected $lasth;              // height of last printed cell
protected $LineWidth;          // line width in user unit
protected $fontpath;           // path containing fonts
protected $CoreFonts;          // array of core font names
protected $fonts;              // array of used fonts
protected $FontFiles;          // array of font files
protected $encodings;          // array of encodings
protected $cmaps;              // array of ToUnicode CMaps
protected $FontFamily;         // current font family
protected $FontStyle;          // current font style
protected $underline;          // underlining flag
protected $CurrentFont;        // current font info
protected $FontSizePt;         // current font size in points
protected $FontSize;           // current font size in user unit
protected $DrawColor;          // commands for drawing color
protected $FillColor;          // commands for filling color
protected $TextColor;          // commands for text color
protected $ColorFlag;          // indicates whether fill and text colors are different
protected $WithAlpha;          // indicates whether alpha channel is used
protected $ws;                 // word spacing
protected $images;             // array of used images
protected $PageLinks;          // array of links in pages
protected $links;              // array of internal links
protected $AutoPageBreak;      // automatic page breaking
protected $PageBreakTrigger;   // threshold used to trigger page breaks
protected $InHeader;           // flag set when processing header
protected $InFooter;           // flag set when processing footer
protected $AliasNbPages;       // alias for total number of pages
protected $ZoomMode;           // zoom display mode
protected $LayoutMode;         // layout display mode
protected $metadata;           // document properties
protected $PDFVersion;         // PDF version number
protected $headerLeft;
protected $headerRight;
*                               Public methods                                 *

function __construct($hLeft, $hRight, $orientation='P', $unit='mm', $size='A4')
    // Some checks
    // Initialization of properties
    $this->headerLeft = $hLeft;
    $this->headerRight = $hRight;
    $this->state = 0;
    $this->page = 0;
    $this->n = 2;
    $this->buffer = '';
    $this->pages = array();
    $this->PageInfo = array();
    $this->fonts = array();
    $this->FontFiles = array();
    $this->encodings = array();
    $this->cmaps = array();
    $this->images = array();
    $this->links = array();
    $this->InHeader = false;
    $this->InFooter = false;
    $this->lasth = 0;
    $this->FontFamily = '';
    $this->FontStyle = '';
    $this->FontSizePt = 12;
    $this->underline = false;
    $this->DrawColor = '0 G';
    $this->FillColor = '0 g';
    $this->TextColor = '0 g';
    $this->ColorFlag = false;
    $this->WithAlpha = false;
    $this->ws = 0;

    // Font path
        $this->fontpath = FPDF_FONTPATH;
        if(substr($this->fontpath,-1)!='/' && substr($this->fontpath,-1)!='\\')
            $this->fontpath .= '/';
        $this->fontpath = dirname(__FILE__).'/font/';
        $this->fontpath = '';
    // Core fonts
    $this->CoreFonts = array('courier', 'helvetica', 'times', 'symbol', 'zapfdingbats');
    // Scale factor
        $this->k = 1;
        $this->k = 72/25.4;
        $this->k = 72/2.54;
        $this->k = 72;
        $this->Error('Incorrect unit: '.$unit);
    // Page sizes
    $this->StdPageSizes = array('a3'=>array(841.89,1190.55), 'a4'=>array(595.28,841.89), 'a5'=>array(420.94,595.28),
        'letter'=>array(612,792), 'legal'=>array(612,1008));
    $size = $this->_getpagesize($size);
    $this->DefPageSize = $size;
    $this->CurPageSize = $size;
    // Page orientation
    $orientation = strtolower($orientation);
    if($orientation=='p' || $orientation=='portrait')
        $this->DefOrientation = 'P';
        $this->w = $size[0];
        $this->h = $size[1];
    elseif($orientation=='l' || $orientation=='landscape')
        $this->DefOrientation = 'L';
        $this->w = $size[1];
        $this->h = $size[0];
        $this->Error('Incorrect orientation: '.$orientation);
    $this->CurOrientation = $this->DefOrientation;
    $this->wPt = $this->w*$this->k;
    $this->hPt = $this->h*$this->k;
    // Page rotation
    $this->CurRotation = 0;
    // Page margins (1 cm)
    $margin = 28.35/$this->k;
    // Interior cell margin (1 mm)
    $this->cMargin = $margin/10;
    // Line width (0.2 mm)
    $this->LineWidth = .567/$this->k;
    // Automatic page break
    // Default display mode
    // Enable compression
    // Set default PDF version number
    $this->PDFVersion = '1.3';

// the rest of the class.....}

1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:0)


$this->Cell(30,10, $this->headerLeft); 



this->Cell(30,10, $this->headerRight);