
时间:2016-10-30 13:19:14

标签: c pointers if-statement for-loop


确定!所以我使用了3个printf来查看我的代码在崩溃之前得到了多远。它到达printf(" 2");在它崩溃之前。所以我认为它与if ( *(userInput + i ) == sNumArray[j] )有关。我不确定我做错了什么。据我所知,指针不使用指针[i]循环遍历每个元素,他们使用*( pointer + i )


for ( i = 0; i < sUserInput_SIZE; i++ ) {

    printf( "1" );

    for ( j = 0; j < sNumArray_SIZE; j++ ) {

        printf( "2" );

        if ( *(userInput + i) == sNumArray[j] ) {

            printf( "3" );

        }//End if( )

    }//End inner for( )

}//End outer for( )

这是我的源代码 我正在尝试创建一个函数,检查用户输入的是否是一个数字。主代码是一个atm,允许用户输入其引脚,更改引脚并查看引脚输入的次数。


#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>

#define sUserInput_SIZE 5
#define sNumArray_SIZE 10

char * errorChecking( char *userInput ) {

    //Note: Each variable will have the alphabetical character associated with its data structure at the beginning of its name e.g. integer data structures will have the charater "i" at the beginning of the variable etc
    //Outer for loop variable
    unsigned i;
    //Inner for loop variable
    unsigned j;
    // validInput will be compared with strlen( ) function which is an unsigned int........more?
    unsigned iValidInput = 0;


    //This array will be used to check each inputed character to check if it is a number
    char sNumArray[sNumArray_SIZE] = { '0', '1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6', '7', '8', '9' };

    //End of Declarations

    //This for loop will cross reference each element the user inputed with the number array
    for ( i = 0; i < sUserInput_SIZE; i++ ) {

        for( j = 0; j < sNumArray_SIZE; j++ ) {

            if ( *(userInput + i ) == sNumArray[j] ) {

                //Every time a number is successfully verified as a number the "validInput" variable will be incremented by 1 

            }//End if( )

        }//End inner for( )

    }//End outer for( )

    //This if statement will check if the inputed value is an integer or not by checking if the number of valid inputs equalls the length of the sUserInput array
    if ( validInput == strlen( userInput ) ){

        printf( "\n\nIs a integer" );
        return( userInput)

    }//End if( )
    else {
        printf( "\n\nIs " );
        printf( "\n\nError: This is not a integer \nTry again: " );
        scanf("%s" , &userInput );

    }//End else

    return( userInput );

}//End main( )

//FIX ME: only add convert it input is verified
//FIX ME: Loop back around if it is not a number

int main( ) {

    //Note: Each variable will have the alphabetical character associated with its data structure at the beginning of its name e.g. integer data structures will have the charater "i" at the beginning of the variable etc

    int iExitLoop = 1;
    unsigned int iCorrectInputs = 0;
    unsigned int iIncorrectInputs = 0;
    char *iNewUserPin = "0";
    char *iUserPin = "1234";
    char *sUserInput = "1";

    //End of Declarations

    while ( iExitLoop == 1 ) {

        //Main menu
        printf( "\n1: Enter pin" );
        printf( "\n2: Change pin" );
        printf( "\n3: Successful and unsuccessful pin logs" );
        printf( "\n4: Exit" );
        printf( "\n\n%s" , sUserInput );

        //Prompting the user to entered in an option
        printf( "\n\nEnter: " );
        scanf( "%s" , &sUserInput );
        printf( "%s" , *sUserInput);

        //Prompting user to enter pin
        if ( strncmp( sUserInput , "1" , 1 ) != 0 ) {

            //This do while loop will prompt the user to enter in their pin and keep running until the correct pin is entered
            do {
                printf( "\nPlease enter your pin: " );
                scanf( "%s" , &sUserInput );
                errorChecking( sUserInput );

                if ( sUserInput == iUserPin ) {
                }//End if( )
                else {
                    printf( "\nTry again!" );
                }//End else
            } while ( sUserInput != iUserPin );//End Do While( )

        }//End if( )

        //Prompting user to change their pin
        if ( sUserInput == "2" ) {

            do {
                printf( "\nPlease enter you current pin: " );
                scanf( "%s" , &sUserInput );
                //FIX ME - ADD ERROR CHECKING ( FUNCTIONS? )

                if ( sUserInput != iUserPin ) {
                    printf( "\nIncorrect pin!" );
                }//End if( )

            } while ( sUserInput != iUserPin );//End do while( )

            while ( iNewUserPin != iUserPin ) {

                printf( "\nEnter new pin: " );
                scanf( "%s" , &iNewUserPin );

                printf( "Re-enter new pin: " );
                scanf( "%s" , &iUserPin );

                if ( iNewUserPin != iUserPin ) {

                    printf( "\nTry again!" );

                }//End if( )

            }//End while( ) 

        }//End if( )

        //This block of code will the display the amount of correct and incorrect inputs
        if ( sUserInput == "3" ) {

            printf( "\nYour pin was correctly entered %d times" , iCorrectInputs );
            printf( "\nYour pin was incorrectly entered %d times" , iIncorrectInputs );

        }//End if( )

        //This block of code will end the program if the user inputs 4
        //FIX ME: possibly use sUserInput for loop execution
        if ( sUserInput == "4" ) {

            iExitLoop = 0;

        }//End if( )

    }//End while( )

    return( 0 );

}//End main( )

//FIX ME: error checking for 4 character input

1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:3)

您发布的代码片段没有任何内在错误。确实*(userInput + i)完全等同于userInput[i]。您可能对数组大小存在一致性问题。




for (i = 0; userInput[i] != '\0'; i++) {
    for (j = 0; j < sNumArray_SIZE; j++) {
        if (userInput[i] == sNumArray[j]) {



  • 您的错误处理代码不会检查第二个条目的有效性。

  • 更重要的是:在scanf()中阅读sUserInput的{​​{1}}不正确。你应该使用:

  • 您的比较char sUserInput[20]; if (scanf("%19s", sUserInput) == 1) { /* handle sUserInput */ } else { /* premature end of file? */ } 不正确,您应该检查if (strncmp(sUserInput , "1" , 1) != 0)作为== 0的返回值,strncmp() strcmp()0 )字符串相等。

  • 您无法将字符串与==进行比较:if (sUserInput == "2")应更改为if (strcmp(sUserInput, "2") == 0)

  • 同样,if ( sUserInput == iUserPin )不正确。也可以使用strcmp()