
时间:2016-10-29 01:58:17

标签: c server client fifo





#include <sys/types.h>
#include <sys/stat.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <errno.h>
#include <fcntl.h>

typedef struct values {
     char name[30];
     int arrivalTime;
     int burst;           //used for both the initial size of the process and to send the completion time
} Process;  /*Datatype of the elements in the queue*/

int main( int argc, char *argv[] ){

    Process process;

    int fdIN; //to write to character server
    int fdOUT; //to read from character server
    int clientID;

    clientID = getpid();
    sprintf(process.name, "FIFO_%d", clientID);
    printf("\nFIFO name is %s ", process.name);

  if((mkfifo(process.name, 0666)<0 && errno != EEXIST))
      perror("Can't create private FIFO\n");


    printf("\nEnter burst: \n");

    scanf("%d", process.burst);

  if((fdIN=open("commFIFO", O_WRONLY))<0)  //writting into fifo
     printf("cant open fifo to write");

     write(fdIN, &process, sizeof(process));

  if((fdOUT=open(process.name, O_RDONLY))<0) //reading from fifo
     printf("cant open fifo to read");

  read(fdOUT, &process, sizeof(process));

  printf("\n arrival time: %d \n", process.arrivalTime);

  unlink ("commFIFO");
  unlink (process.name);




FIFO name is FIFO_24494
Enter burst:


#include <sys/types.h>
#include <sys/stat.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <errno.h>
#include <fcntl.h>

//Inbox/Outbox structure
typedef struct values {
     char name[30];
     int arrivalTime;
     int burst;           //used for both the initial size of the process and to send the completion time
} Process;

//Node definition
typedef struct node{                         /*Nodes stored in the linked list*/
        struct values request;
        struct node *next;
} Node;

//Queue Definition
typedef struct queue{                     /*A struct facilitates passing a queue as an argument*/
        Node *head;                       /*Pointer to the first node holding the queue's data*/
        Node *tail;                       /*Pointer to the last node holding the queue's data*/
        int sz;                           /*Number of nodes in the queue*/
} Queue;

int size( Queue *Q ){
        return Q->sz;

int isEmpty( Queue *Q ){
        if( Q->sz == 0 ) return 1;
        return 0;

void enqueue( Queue *Q, struct values elem ){
        Node *v = (Node*)malloc(sizeof(Node));/*Allocate memory for the Node*/
        if( !v ){
                printf("ERROR: Insufficient memory\n");
        v->request = elem;
        v->next = NULL;
        if( isEmpty(Q) ) Q->head = v;
        else Q->tail->next = v;
        Q->tail = v;

struct values dequeue( Queue *Q ){
        Node *oldHead;
        struct values temp;
        if( isEmpty(Q) ){
                printf("ERROR: Queue is empty\n");
                return temp;
        oldHead = Q->head;
        temp = Q->head->request;  //72
        Q->head = Q->head->next;
        return temp;

void requeue(Queue *Q, int t){
        Process temp = dequeue(Q);
        temp.burst -= t;
        enqueue(Q, temp);

struct values first( Queue *Q ){
        if( isEmpty(Q) ){
                printf("ERROR: Queue is empty\n");
                return Q->head->request;
        return Q->head->request;

int *getBurst(struct values r){
        return &r.burst;

void setBurst(struct values *r, int a){
        r->burst = a;

char *getName(struct values r){
        return r.name;

void destroyQueue( Queue *Q ){
        while( !isEmpty(Q) ) dequeue(Q);

void checkNew( Queue *Q, Queue *R, int c ){
         if (!isEmpty(Q)){
                struct values temp1 = first(Q);
                if(temp1.arrivalTime <= c){
                      struct values temp2 = dequeue(Q);
                      enqueue( R, temp2 );
                      printf("NEW process arrived at %d time!!!\n", c);
               printf("\nNot yet\n");


main (void)
     int fdIN;          //common fifo file descriptor
     int fdOUT;         //private FIFOs' file desriptors
     int finish;        //status of fifos
     int count;         //Total number of clients, set by user
     int clock = 0;     //System Clock
     int i = 0;         //Iterative counter used for each section
     int timeQuaint;    //Size of clock burst, set by user
     int turnaround = 0;     //will store total turnaround time to calculate the average at the end

     Process process;

     /*Declare a queue and initialize its fields*/
     Queue Ready;
     Ready.head = NULL;
     Ready.tail = NULL;
     Ready.sz = 0;

     /*Declare a queue and initialize its fields*/
     Queue notArrived;
     notArrived.head = NULL;
     notArrived.tail = NULL;
     notArrived.sz = 0;

    //Prep commFIFO for clients
    if ((mkfifo("commFIFO",0666)<0 && errno != EEXIST))         /*Creating commFIFO*/
        perror("Can't create Common FIFO\n");

///////////////////////////////////////////////////////All variables defined and commFIFO open for clients
////////////////////////////UI & Enqueueing////////////////

    //User Promts
    printf("How many clients do you have? (Max of 10.)\n");
    scanf("%d", &count);
    int finalTimes[count];

    printf("How big is the server's burst?\n");
    scanf("%d", &timeQuaint);

    if((fdIN=open("commFIFO", O_RDONLY))<0)                       /*Opening commFIFO*/
        printf("Can't open common FIFO to read\n");

    //Read from clients
    int totalBurst =0; //will store total of burst from requests for final reporting
    while( i < count)                                               //For each process
          printf("\nWaiting for client request...\n\n");

          read(fdIN, &process, sizeof(process));
          printf("The size is %d\n", process.burst);
          printf("The Private FIFO name is %s.\n", process.name);
          int b = process.burst;

          totalBurst = b + totalBurst;
                                  //added for reporting

          //Assign process to Ready or notArrived
          if(process.arrivalTime > 0){
                    printf("This process has not yet arrived.\n\n");
                    enqueue(&notArrived, process);
                    enqueue(&Ready, process);
          printf("\nSize of Ready queue: %d\nSize of notArrived queue: %d\n\n", Ready.sz, notArrived.sz);
     printf("\nTotal Bursts: %d\n", totalBurst);
     //Close commFIFO
     printf("commFIFO closed and unlinked.\n\n");

///////////////////////////////////////////////////////All user requests queued
////////////////////////////BODY///////////////////////Queue begins to roll
     i = 0;
     while( !isEmpty(&Ready) || !isEmpty(&notArrived)){
              printf("\n\n%d  = qSize\n\nHead timeRemaining: %d\n", Ready.sz, *getBurst(first(&Ready)));

              //Return Data to each client
              if(*getBurst(first(&Ready)) > timeQuaint || isEmpty(&Ready)){    //If there is more process left then 1 burst or Ready Queue is empty
                  clock += timeQuaint;

                  checkNew( &notArrived, &Ready, clock );                       //new line to check for new process
                  requeue(&Ready, timeQuaint);
                  process = first(&Ready);
                  printf("Item dequeued.\n%s\n\n", process.name);
                  clock += *getBurst(first(&Ready));
                  process.burst = clock;                                     //reset burst as completion time
                  process.arrivalTime = clock  - process.arrivalTime;
                  turnaround += process.arrivalTime;
                  finalTimes[i] = clock;
                  checkNew( &notArrived, &Ready, clock );                          //new line to check for new process
                  printf("A Process(%s) has finished at: %d time units\n\n", process.name, clock);
                  fdOUT = open(process.name, O_WRONLY);             //Open privFIFO
                  write(fdOUT, &process, sizeof(process));          //Write to privFIFO
              clock += 1;
              checkNew( &notArrived, &Ready, clock);
     }//END QUEUE

////////////////////////////////////////////////////////All processes have been exhausted and Queue is empty
/////////////////Post Queue Reporting///////////////////

     i = 0;
     int x = 0;

     while(i < count){
          if(x< finalTimes[i]&&x<250){
               printf("Client Complete@%d", finalTimes[i]);
     }//END printing WHILE
     printf("\nNew PRINT");
     int t = turnaround/count;
     int u = finalTimes[count-1];
     printf("\n\nAverage Turnaround Time: %d\n\nCPU Utilization: %d/%d\n", t, totalBurst, u);


How many clients do you have? (Max of 10.)
How big is the server's burst?

Waiting for client request...

The size is 134615364
The Private FIFO name is FIFO_24494.
This process has not yet arrived.

Size of Ready queue: 0
Size of notArrived queue: 1

Total Bursts: 134615364
commFIFO closed and unlinked.

此时我用ctrl + C取消了程序以取消反转计数中的重复突发。


1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:0)

我发现了自己的错误,我希望将来可以帮助其他人,唯一缺少的就是小小的&amp; (符号)。


#include <sys/types.h>
#include <sys/stat.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <errno.h>
#include <fcntl.h>

typedef struct values {
     char name[30];
     int arrivalTime;
     int burst;           //used for both the initial size of the process and to send the completion time
} Process;  /*Datatype of the elements in the queue*/

int main( int argc, char *argv[] ){

    Process process;

    int fdIN; //to write to character server
    int fdOUT; //to read from character server
    int clientID;

    clientID = getpid();
    sprintf(process.name, "FIFO_%d", clientID);
    printf("\nFIFO name is %s ", process.name);

  if((mkfifo(process.name, 0666)<0 && errno != EEXIST))
      perror("Can't create private FIFO\n");


    printf("\nEnter burst: \n");

    scanf("%d", &process.burst);

  if((fdIN=open("commFIFO", O_WRONLY))<0)  //writting into fifo
     printf("cant open fifo to write");

     write(fdIN, &process, sizeof(process));

  if((fdOUT=open(process.name, O_RDONLY))<0) //reading from fifo
     printf("cant open fifo to read");

  read(fdOUT, &process, sizeof(process));

  printf("\n arrival time: %d \n", process.arrivalTime);

  unlink ("commFIFO");
  unlink (process.name);




#include <sys/types.h>
#include <sys/stat.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <errno.h>
#include <fcntl.h>

//Inbox/Outbox structure
typedef struct values {
     char name[30];
     int arrivalTime;
     int burst;           //used for both the initial size of the process and to send the completion time
} Process;

//Node definition
typedef struct node{                         /*Nodes stored in the linked list*/
        struct values request;
        struct node *next;
} Node;

//Queue Definition
typedef struct queue{                     /*A struct facilitates passing a queue as an argument*/
        Node *head;                       /*Pointer to the first node holding the queue's data*/
        Node *tail;                       /*Pointer to the last node holding the queue's data*/
        int sz;                           /*Number of nodes in the queue*/
} Queue;

int size( Queue *Q ){
        return Q->sz;

int isEmpty( Queue *Q ){
        if( Q->sz == 0 ) return 1;
        return 0;

void enqueue( Queue *Q, struct values elem ){
        Node *v = (Node*)malloc(sizeof(Node));/*Allocate memory for the Node*/
        if( !v ){
                printf("ERROR: Insufficient memory\n");
        v->request = elem;
        v->next = NULL;
        if( isEmpty(Q) ) Q->head = v;
        else Q->tail->next = v;
        Q->tail = v;

struct values dequeue( Queue *Q ){
        Node *oldHead;
        struct values temp;
        if( isEmpty(Q) ){
                printf("ERROR: Queue is empty\n");
                return temp;
        oldHead = Q->head;
        temp = Q->head->request;  //72
        Q->head = Q->head->next;
        return temp;

void requeue(Queue *Q, int t){
        Process temp = dequeue(Q);
        temp.burst -= t;
        enqueue(Q, temp);

struct values first( Queue *Q ){
        if( isEmpty(Q) ){
                printf("ERROR: Queue is empty\n");
                return Q->head->request;
        return Q->head->request;

int *getBurst(struct values r){
        return &r.burst;

void setBurst(struct values *r, int a){
        r->burst = a;

char *getName(struct values r){
        return r.name;

void destroyQueue( Queue *Q ){
        while( !isEmpty(Q) ) dequeue(Q);

void checkNew( Queue *Q, Queue *R, int c ){
         if (!isEmpty(Q)){
                struct values temp1 = first(Q);
                if(temp1.arrivalTime <= c){
                      struct values temp2 = dequeue(Q);
                      enqueue( R, temp2 );
                      printf("NEW process arrived at %d time!!!\n", c);
               printf("\nNot yet\n");


main (void)
     int fdIN;          //common fifo file descriptor
     int fdOUT;         //private FIFOs' file desriptors
     int finish;        //status of fifos
     int count;         //Total number of clients, set by user
     int clock = 0;     //System Clock
     int i = 0;         //Iterative counter used for each section
     int timeQuaint;    //Size of clock burst, set by user
     int turnaround = 0;     //will store total turnaround time to calculate the average at the end

     Process process;

     /*Declare a queue and initialize its fields*/
     Queue Ready;
     Ready.head = NULL;
     Ready.tail = NULL;
     Ready.sz = 0;

     /*Declare a queue and initialize its fields*/
     Queue notArrived;
     notArrived.head = NULL;
     notArrived.tail = NULL;
     notArrived.sz = 0;

    //Prep commFIFO for clients
    if ((mkfifo("commFIFO",0666)<0 && errno != EEXIST))         /*Creating commFIFO*/
        perror("Can't create Common FIFO\n");

///////////////////////////////////////////////////////All variables defined and commFIFO open for clients
////////////////////////////UI & Enqueueing////////////////

    //User Promts
    printf("How many clients do you have? (Max of 10.)\n");
    scanf("%d", &count);
    int finalTimes[count];

    printf("How big is the server's burst?\n");
    scanf("%d", &timeQuaint);

    if((fdIN=open("commFIFO", O_RDONLY))<0)                       /*Opening commFIFO*/
        printf("Can't open common FIFO to read\n");

    //Read from clients
    int totalBurst =0; //will store total of burst from requests for final reporting
    while( i < count)                                               //For each process
          printf("\nWaiting for client request...\n\n");

          read(fdIN, &process, sizeof(process));
          printf("The size is %d\n", process.burst);
          printf("The Private FIFO name is %s.\n", process.name);
          int b = process.burst;

          totalBurst = b + totalBurst;
                                  //added for reporting

          //Assign process to Ready or notArrived
          if(process.arrivalTime > 0){
                    printf("This process has not yet arrived.\n\n");
                    enqueue(&notArrived, process);
                    enqueue(&Ready, process);
          printf("\nSize of Ready queue: %d\nSize of notArrived queue: %d\n\n", Ready.sz, notArrived.sz);
     printf("\nTotal Bursts: %d\n", totalBurst);
     //Close commFIFO
     printf("commFIFO closed and unlinked.\n\n");

///////////////////////////////////////////////////////All user requests queued
////////////////////////////BODY///////////////////////Queue begins to roll
     i = 0;
     while( !isEmpty(&Ready) || !isEmpty(&notArrived)){
              printf("\n\n%d  = qSize\n\nHead timeRemaining: %d\n", Ready.sz, *getBurst(first(&Ready)));

              //Return Data to each client
              if(*getBurst(first(&Ready)) > timeQuaint || isEmpty(&Ready)){    //If there is more process left then 1 burst or Ready Queue is empty
                  clock += timeQuaint;

                  checkNew( &notArrived, &Ready, clock );                       //new line to check for new process
                  requeue(&Ready, timeQuaint);
                  process = first(&Ready);
                  printf("Item dequeued.\n%s\n\n", process.name);
                  clock += *getBurst(first(&Ready));
                  process.burst = clock;                                     //reset burst as completion time
                  process.arrivalTime = clock  - process.arrivalTime;
                  turnaround += process.arrivalTime;
                  finalTimes[i] = clock;
                  checkNew( &notArrived, &Ready, clock );                          //new line to check for new process
                  printf("A Process(%s) has finished at: %d time units\n\n", process.name, clock);
                  fdOUT = open(process.name, O_WRONLY);             //Open privFIFO
                  write(fdOUT, &process, sizeof(process));          //Write to privFIFO
              clock += 1;
              checkNew( &notArrived, &Ready, clock);
     }//END QUEUE

////////////////////////////////////////////////////////All processes have been exhausted and Queue is empty
/////////////////Post Queue Reporting///////////////////

     i = 0;
     int x = 0;

     while(i < count){
          if(x< finalTimes[i]&&x<250){
               printf("Client Complete@%d", finalTimes[i]);
     }//END printing WHILE
     printf("\nNew PRINT");
     int t = turnaround/count;
     int u = finalTimes[count-1];
     printf("\n\nAverage Turnaround Time: %d\n\nCPU Utilization: %d/%d\n", t, totalBurst, u);