
时间:2016-10-28 19:09:27

标签: sql scala apache-spark apache-spark-sql


Cust No.  |  Action       | Val
----------| --------------| ----
10        | Checked out   | 1.0
10        | PAID          | 40.0
10        | Checked In    | 1.0
15        | Flew Away     | 2.0
15        | PAID          | 100.00
15        | Came back     | 1.0
20        | PAID          | 150.00
30        | Checked In    | 1.0
30        | PAID          | 50.00
30        | PAID          | 10.00

如何通过SUM条目获得每位客户的PAIDChecked In


Cust No.  |  Total Paid       
----------| --------------
30        | 60.00
10        | 40.00

4 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:0)


select customer_number, sum(value) as total_paid 
from table_name where action = 'PAID' group by customer_number;

答案 1 :(得分:0)


sum(case when Action = 'paid' then val end)


select customer_number, PaymentDone
from (
select customer_number, 
sum(case when Action = 'paid' then val end) as PaymentDone,
group_concat(Action ORDER BY Action asc) as Action_List 
from tbl1
group by customer_number) xxx
where Action_List like 'Checked In%';

答案 2 :(得分:0)


SELECT `Cust No`, SUM(CASE WHEN Action='PAID' THEN val END) paid 
FROM mytable 
GROUP BY `Cust No` 
HAVING MAX(CASE WHEN Action='Checked In' THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) > 0

| Cust No | paid |
|      10 |   40 |
|      30 |   60 |


SELECT `Cust No`, SUM(val) paid 
FROM mytable 
WHERE action='PAID' AND `Cust No` IN (
  SELECT `Cust No` FROM mytable WHERE action='Checked In'
GROUP BY `Cust No`

答案 3 :(得分:0)


 select customer.customer_number, sum(value) as total_paid  from customers
    left join
      select customer_number from users where action = 'Checked In' group by customer_number
    )checkins on checkins.customer_number = customers.customer_number 
    where checkins.customer_number is not null and customers.action = 'PAID'
    group by customers.customer_number