
时间:2016-10-28 15:00:30

标签: python


>>> def linebreak():
>>>     return """Hello this is a really long string which eventually
>>> needs to be breaked due to line length"""
>>> print(linebreak())
Hello this is a really long string which eventually
needs to be breaked


>>> def whitespace():
>>>     some_string = """Hello this is a really long string which eventually
>>>                      needs to be breaked due to line length"""
>>> print(whitespace())
Hello this is a really long string which eventually
                     needs to be breaked

正如本SO Q/A所述,您必须仔细格式化每一行(这非常繁琐),以确保您以空格结束或开始。如果您在最初创建字符串后碰巧编辑了字符串,那么您最终也可能会看到非常奇怪的行长度的文本行(想象10行长度非常不同的文本):

>>> def tedious():
>>>     return ('Hello this is a really long string which eventually '
>>>             'needs to be breaked due to line length')
>>> print(tedious())
Hello this is a really long string which eventually needs to be breaked due to line length



>>> def hello():
>>>     return ' '.join("""Hello this is a really long string which
>>>                        eventually needs to be breaked due to line
>>>                        length""".split())
>>> print(hello())
>>> Hello this is a really long string which eventually needs to be breaked due to line length



由于这个问题已经[关闭],我想补充一点,我认为textwrap.dedent是最好的解决方案(对我而言),如here所述。还有另一个问题(没有结束)有许多其他建议:Pythonic way to create a long multi-line string

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