Payeezy:如何制作"预授权"交易到"标记完成" php

时间:2016-10-27 09:16:37

标签: php payeezy

Payeezy支付网关已成功与php集成。将交易类型保持为" AUTH_ONLY"。要完成整个交易,请转到管理面板,并将其设为标记为完成,如屏幕截图所示。

enter image description here

现在我们想让商家添加运费 费用,从我们的应用程序中计算总数,然后发送一个 请回到Payeezy,收取总金额 先前收到并完成上一个的事务标记 预授权完成。



关于, 的Sudhir

1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:0)


class SoapClientHMAC extends SoapClient {
    public function __doRequest($request, $location, $action, $version, $one_way = NULL) {
global $context;
$hmackey = "********************"; // <-- Insert your HMAC key here
$keyid = "******"; // <-- Insert the Key ID here
$hashtime = date("c");
$hashstr = "POST\ntext/xml; charset=utf-8\n" . sha1($request) . "\n" . $hashtime . "\n" . parse_url($location,PHP_URL_PATH);
$authstr = base64_encode(hash_hmac("sha1",$hashstr,$hmackey,TRUE));
if (version_compare(PHP_VERSION, '5.3.11') == -1) {
    ini_set("user_agent", "PHP-SOAP/" . PHP_VERSION . "\r\nAuthorization: GGE4_API " . $keyid . ":" . $authstr . "\r\nx-gge4-date: " . $hashtime . "\r\nx-gge4-content-sha1: " . sha1($request));
   else {
    stream_context_set_option($context,array("http" => array("header" => "aut horization: GGE4_API " . $keyid . ":" . $authstr . "\r\nx-gge4-date: " . $hashtime . "\r\nx-gge4-content-sha1: " . sha1($request))));
return parent::__doRequest($request, $location, $action, $version, $one_way);

      public function SoapClientHMAC($wsdl, $options = NULL) {
global $context;
$context = stream_context_create();
$options['stream_context'] = $context;
return parent::SoapClient($wsdl, $options);

   $trxnProperties = array(
"User_Name" => "*******",
"Secure_AuthResult" => "",
"Ecommerce_Flag" => "",
"XID" => "",
"ExactID" => "******-**", //Payment Gateway
"CAVV" => "",
"Password" => "**********************", //Gateway       Password
"CAVV_Algorithm" => "",
"Transaction_Type" => $txn_type, //Transaction Code I.E. Purchase="00" Pre-Authorization="01" etc.
"Reference_No" => "",
"Customer_Ref" => "",
"Reference_3" => "",
"Client_IP" => "", //This value is only used for fraud investigation.
"Client_Email" => "", //This value is only used for fraud investigation.
"Language" => "en", //English="en" French="fr"
"Card_Number" => "4111111111111111", //For Testing, Use Test#s VISA="4111111111111111" MasterCard="5500000000000004" etc.
"Expiry_Date" => "1121", //This value should be in the format MM/YY.
"CardHoldersName" => "test",
"Track1" => "",
"Track2" => "",
"Authorization_Num" => $_POST["auth_no"],
"Transaction_Tag" => $_POST["txn_tag"],
"DollarAmount" => $_POST["amt"] + $_POST["shippingfee"],
"VerificationStr1" => "",
"VerificationStr2" => "",
"CVD_Presence_Ind" => "",
"Secure_AuthRequired" => "",
"Currency" => "",
"PartialRedemption" => "",
// Level 2 fields 
"ZipCode" => "",
"Tax1Amount" => "",
"Tax1Number" => "",
"Tax2Amount" => "",
"Tax2Number" => "" );

$client = new SoapClientHMAC("");
$trxnResult = $client->SendAndCommit($trxnProperties);

    // there was a fault, inform
    print "<B>FAULT:  Code: {$client->faultcode} <BR />";
    print "String: {$client->faultstring} </B>";
    $trxnResult["CTR"] = "There was an error while processing. No TRANSACTION DATA IN CTR!";
//Uncomment the following commented code to display the full results.

echo "<H3><U>Transaction Properties BEFORE Processing</U></H3>";
echo "<TABLE border='0'>\n";
echo " <TR><TD><B>Property</B></TD><TD><B>Value</B></TD></TR>\n";
foreach($trxnProperties as $key=>$value){
    echo " <TR><TD>$key</TD><TD>:$value</TD></TR>\n";
echo "</TABLE>\n";

echo "<H3><U>Transaction Properties AFTER Processing</U></H3>";
echo "<TABLE border='0'>\n";
echo " <TR><TD><B>Property</B></TD><TD><B>Value</B></TD></TR>\n";
foreach($trxnResult as $key=>$value){
    $value = nl2br($value);
    echo " <TR><TD valign='top'>$key</TD><TD>:$value</TD></TR>\n";
echo "</TABLE>\n";

// kill object