Elastic Search Nest中2个字段的条件排序

时间:2016-10-26 07:39:16

标签: c# elasticsearch nest

我输入了我的数据,如果 类型是A然后我需要按price1排序 如果type是B,那么我需要按price2排序,


  "test": {
    "mappings": {
      "listings": {
        "properties": {
          "productname": {
            "type": "string"
          "ptype": {
            "type": "string"
          "price1": {
            "type": "float"
          "price2": {
            "type": "float"

2 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:0)


_elasticClient.SearchAsync<ListingsModel>(s => s
    .Sort(o => 
        if(type == "A")
            return o.OnField("price1");
            return o.OnField("price2");
    //rest of query

答案 1 :(得分:0)


 class Program
        static void Main(string[] args)
            var random = new Random();
            var uri = new Uri("http://localhost.fiddler:9200");
            var indexName = "test_index";

            ElasticClient db = new ElasticClient(uri);


            foreach (var item in Enumerable.Range(0, 10).Select(i => new A { Price1 = random.NextDouble() * 1000 }))
                db.Index(item, inx => inx.Index(indexName));

            foreach (var item in Enumerable.Range(0, 10).Select(i => new B { Price2 = random.NextDouble() * 1000 }))
                db.Index(item, inx => inx.Index(indexName));

            //db.IndexMany(Enumerable.Range(0, 10).Select(i => new A { Price1 = random.NextDouble() * 1000 }), indexName); When using this got nothing back since the query was too fast after index
            //db.IndexMany(Enumerable.Range(0, 10).Select(i => new B { Price2 = random.NextDouble() * 1000 }), indexName);

            var data = db.Search<JObject>(q =>
                .Sort(s => s.Script(scd => scd
                    .Script(sc => sc
                        //.Inline(@" doc['price1']?  doc['price1'] : doc['price2']") if no price1 field in object B then you can use this and no need for TypeIndex
                        .Inline(@"doc['typeIndex'] == 0?  doc['price1'] : doc['price2']")// typeIndex must be a number lucene has no string literal support



    public class A 
        public int TypeIndex { get { return 0; } }

        public double Price1 { get; set; }

    [ElasticsearchType(Name = "B")]
    public class B
        public int TypeIndex { get { return 1; } }

        public double Price2 { get; set; }

你可以用groovy来做,但我不知道它有多好。表达式默认打开,它们使用lucene。我认为这有点&#34; hacky&#34;但希望有所帮助。