Matlab的Accumarray等效于C ++

时间:2016-10-26 07:16:46

标签: c++ matlab opencv boost armadillo

我找到了一个解决方案,用于使用犰狳here在c ++中使用matlab的accumarray。虽然代码在matlab中应该像它应该的那样,但我的问题是需要花费很多时间。运行大约需要2.2秒,我必须调用此功能360次左右。有没有办法优化这个代码或用armadillo / opencv / boost在c ++中实现accumarray的其他方法?我知道python有一个numpy的bitcount函数,它快速而有效但我无法在c ++中找到任何东西。





colvec TestProcessing::accumarray(icolvec cf, colvec T, double nf, int p)
    /* ******* Description   *******

    here cf is the matrix of indices

    T is the values whose data is to be
    accumulted in the output array S.

    if T is not given (or is scaler)then accumarray simply converts
    to calculation of histogram of the input data

    nf is the the size of output Array

    nf >= max(cf)
    so pass the argument accordingly

    p is not used in the function 


    colvec S; // output Array 

    S.set_size(int(nf)); // preallocate the output array 

    for(int i = 0 ; i < (int)nf ; i++)
        // find the indices in cf corresponding to 1 to nf
        // and store in unsigned integer array q1 
        uvec q1 = find(cf == (i+1));
        vec q ;
        double sum1 = 0 ;

            q = T.elem(q1) ; // find the elements in T having indices in q1 
            // make sure q1 is not empty 

            sum1 = arma::sum(q); // calculate the sum and store in output array 
            S(i) = sum1;

        // if q1 is empty array just put 0 at that particular location
            S(i) = 0 ;
    return S;

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