
时间:2016-10-26 05:54:44

标签: recursion f# tail-recursion mutual-recursion catamorphism


type Tree<'a> = 
    | Empty 
    | Node of 'a * 'a Forest
and Forest<'a> = 
    | Nil 
    | Cons of 'a Tree * 'a Forest

目标:为此结构生成常见的catamorphisms: foldl foldr foldk

我已经产生了如下的天真 - 变形:

let rec foldTree fEmpty fNode fNil fCons = 
    | Empty -> fEmpty
    | Node (a, f) -> fNode a (foldForest fEmpty fNode fNil fCons f)
and foldForest fEmpty fNode fNil fCons =
    | Nil -> fNil
    | Cons (t, f') -> fCons (foldTree fEmpty fNode fNil fCons t) (foldForest fEmpty fNode fNil fCons f')


我已经通过Scott's Recursive Types and Folds series,我理解如何“机械地”生成递归结构的折叠。但是我在谷歌上找不到任何关于递归数据结构的“机械”的东西。

PS:可以通过in-lining去除上面的相互递归但是保留它,因为它代表了tpetricek's Markdown parser中相互递归的简化版本。

1 个答案:

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//val foldTree : 'a -> ('b -> 'c -> 'a) -> ('b Forest -> 'c) -> 'b Tree -> 'a
let foldTree fEmpty fNode fForest = function
  Empty       -> fEmpty
| Node (a, f) -> fNode a (fForest f)

// val foldForest : 'a -> ('b -> 'a -> 'a) -> ('c Tree -> 'b) -> 'c Forest -> 'a
let rec foldForest fNil fCons fTree =
  let recurse = foldForest fNil fCons fTree
    Nil         -> fNil
  | Cons (t, f) -> fCons (fTree t) (recurse f)

let foldForestAcc fNil fCons fTree =
  let rec aux acc = function
    Nil         -> acc
  | Cons (t, f) -> aux (fCons (fTree t) acc) f
  aux fNil

let foldForestCont fNil fCons fTree =
  let rec aux cont = function
    Nil         -> cont fNil
  | Cons (t, f) -> aux (fCons (fTree t) >> cont) f
  aux id


let fold fEmpty fNode fNil fCons =
  let rec auxT = function
    Empty       -> fEmpty
  | Node (a, f) -> fNode a (auxF f)
  and auxF = function
    Nil         -> fNil
  | Cons (t, f) -> fCons (auxT t) (auxF f)

let foldAcc fEmpty fNode fNil fCons =
  let rec auxT acc = function
    Empty       -> acc
  | Node (a, f) -> fNode a (auxF fNil f)
  and auxF acc = function
    Nil         -> acc
  | Cons (t, f) -> auxF (fCons (auxT fEmpty t) acc) f
  auxT fEmpty

let foldCont fEmpty fNode fNil fCons =
  let rec auxT cont = function
    Empty -> cont fEmpty
  | Node (a, f) -> cont (fNode a (auxF id f))
  and auxF cont = function
    Nil -> cont fNil
  | Cons (t, f) -> auxF (cont >> fCons (auxT id t)) f
  auxT id