
时间:2016-10-25 18:36:51

标签: angularjs html5 typescript


<datetime value="vm.woComplete.CompleteDate" max="2016-10-25"></datetime>

max 属性在html5验证日期输入中无法正常工作。


// DateTimeComponent is used for date/time input with 2-way binding and UTC correction

namespace AppDomain {
    "use strict";

    class DateTimeController {

        value: Date;
        displayValue: Date;
        max: string;

        static $inject = ["$scope"];

        // West from UTC - TimezoneOffset is positive , East from UTC - TimezoneOffset is negative

        constructor($scope: ng.IScope) {
                (newValue: Date, oldValue: Date) => {
                    this.value = newValue;
                    var offset = this.displayValue.getTimezoneOffset() / 60;  // getTimezoneOffset returns minutes, we need hours
                    this.value.setHours(this.value.getHours() + offset); // LOCAL to UTC = UTC + Offset


        $onInit() {
            this.displayValue = this.value;
            var offset = this.displayValue.getTimezoneOffset() / 60; // getTimezoneOffset returns minutes, we need hours
            this.displayValue.setHours(this.displayValue.getHours() - offset); // UTC to LOCAL = UTC - Offset

    const DateTimeComponent: ng.IComponentOptions = {

        //template: "<p><input type='date' class='form-control' ng-model='$ctrl.displayValue'></p><p><input type='time' class='form-control' ng-model='$ctrl.displayValue'></p>",
        template: "<p><input type='datetime-local' class='form-control' ng-model='$ctrl.displayValue' max='{{$ctrl.max}}'></p>",
        bindings: {
            value: "=",
            max: "@"
        controller: DateTimeController


    angular.module("app").component("datetime", DateTimeComponent);


1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:0)

  1. max 属性应采用格式 yyyy-mm-dd ,因此您的组件应为(此示例的最大值设置为10月28日) ):

    <datetime value="app.dateTime" max="2016-10-28"></datetime>
  2. getHours()函数返回本地(不像getUTCHours()那样通用),因此您不需要添加和减去偏移小时数,它由JS Date对象计算。

  3. 在您的组件中
  4. ,您不需要$ watch和$ init,只需将 value 的绑定设置为displayValue: '=value'

    namespace myApp {
      const dateTimeComponent = {
        templateUrl: 'app/datetime.component.html',
        bindings: {
          displayValue: '=value',
          max: '@'
      angular.module('app').component('datetime', dateTimeComponent);
  5. plunker:http://plnkr.co/edit/fFNY9C?p=preview

    BTW,日期类型输入在不同浏览器中具有不同的行为,在某些浏览器(MAC Firfox,&gt; IE10)日历中根本不显示。样式和错误消息是不同的,所以,我建议你使用一些第三方小部件,如bootstrap UI日期选择器 - https://angular-ui.github.io/bootstrap/#/datepicker(可能还有时间选择器 - https://angular-ui.github.io/bootstrap/#/timepicker