Cython Gibbs采样器比numpy采样器慢一点

时间:2016-10-25 17:30:35

标签: python numpy cython





def gibbs_sampler(img_label, betas, burnin, nb_samples):
    nb_iter = burnin + nb_samples

    lst_samples = []

    labels = np.unique(img)

    M, N = img.shape
    img_flat = img.flatten()

    # build neighborhood array by means of numpy broadcasting:
    m, n = np.ogrid[0:M, 0:N]

    top_left, top, top_right =   m[0:-2, :]*N + n[:, 0:-2], m[0:-2, :]*N + n[:, 1:-1]  , m[0:-2, :]*N + n[:, 2:]
    left, pix, right = m[1:-1, :]*N + n[:, 0:-2],  m[1:-1, :]*N + n[:, 1:-1], m[1:-1, :]*N + n[:, 2:]
    bottom_left, bottom, bottom_right = m[2:, :]*N + n[:, 0:-2],  m[2:, :]*N + n[:, 1:-1], m[2:, :]*N + n[:, 2:]

    mat_neigh = np.dstack([pix, top, bottom, left, right, top_left, bottom_right, bottom_left, top_right])

    mat_neigh = mat_neigh.reshape((-1, 9))    
    ind = np.arange((M-2)*(N-2))  

    # loop over iterations
    for iteration in np.arange(nb_iter):


        # loop over pixels
        for i in ind:                  

            truc = map(functools.partial(lambda label, img_flat, mat_neigh : 1-np.equal(label, img_flat[mat_neigh[i, 1:]]).astype(np.uint), img_flat=img_flat, mat_neigh=mat_neigh), labels)
            # bidule is of shape (4, 2, labels.size)
            bidule = np.array(truc).T.reshape((-1, 2, labels.size))

            # theta is of shape (labels.size, 4) 
            theta = np.sum(bidule, axis=1).T
            # prior is thus an array of shape (labels.size)
            prior = np.exp(, betas))

            # sample from the posterior
            drawn_label = np.random.choice(labels, p=prior/np.sum(prior))

            img_flat[(i//(N-2) + 1)*N + i%(N-2) + 1] = drawn_label

        if iteration >= burnin:
            print('Iteration %i --> sample' % iteration)
            lst_samples.append(copy.copy(img_flat.reshape(M, N)))

            print('Iteration %i --> burnin' % iteration)

    return lst_samples




对于这两个函数(Cython和没有Cython): 我已经取代了:

from __future__ import division
import numpy as np
import copy
cimport numpy as np
import functools
cimport cython

DOUBLETYPE = np.double

ctypedef np.int_t INTTYPE_t
ctypedef  np.double_t DOUBLETYPE_t


def func_for_map(label, img_flat,  mat_neigh, i):

   return  (1-np.equal(label, img_flat[mat_neigh[i, 1:]])).astype(INTTYPE)

def gibbs_sampler(np.ndarray[INTTYPE_t, ndim=2] img_label, np.ndarray[DOUBLETYPE_t, ndim=1] betas, INTTYPE_t burnin=5, INTTYPE_t nb_samples=1):

    assert img_label.dtype == INTTYPE and betas.dtype== DOUBLETYPE

    cdef unsigned int nb_iter = burnin + nb_samples 

    lst_samples = list()

    cdef np.ndarray[INTTYPE_t, ndim=1] labels
    labels = np.unique(img_label)

    cdef unsigned int M, N
    M = img_label.shape[0]
    N = img_label.shape[1]

    cdef np.ndarray[INTTYPE_t, ndim=1] ind     
    ind = np.arange((M-2)*(N-2), dtype=INTTYPE)

    cdef np.ndarray[INTTYPE_t, ndim=1] img_flat
    img_flat = img_label.flatten()

    # build neighborhood array:
    cdef np.ndarray[INTTYPE_t, ndim=2] m
    cdef np.ndarray[INTTYPE_t, ndim=2] n

    m = (np.ogrid[0:M, 0:N][0]).astype(INTTYPE)
    n = (np.ogrid[0:M, 0:N][1]).astype(INTTYPE)

    cdef np.ndarray[INTTYPE_t, ndim=2] top_left, top, top_right, left, pix, right, bottom_left, bottom, bottom_right

    top_left, top, top_right =   m[0:-2, :]*N + n[:, 0:-2], m[0:-2, :]*N + n[:, 1:-1]  , m[0:-2, :]*N + n[:, 2:]
    left, pix, right = m[1:-1, :]*N + n[:, 0:-2],  m[1:-1, :]*N + n[:, 1:-1], m[1:-1, :]*N + n[:, 2:]
    bottom_left, bottom, bottom_right = m[2:, :]*N + n[:, 0:-2],  m[2:, :]*N + n[:, 1:-1], m[2:, :]*N + n[:, 2:]

    cdef np.ndarray[INTTYPE_t, ndim=3] mat_neigh_init
    mat_neigh_init = np.dstack([pix, top, bottom, left, right, top_left, bottom_right, bottom_left, top_right])

    cdef np.ndarray[INTTYPE_t, ndim=2] mat_neigh
    mat_neigh = mat_neigh_init.reshape((-1, 9))    

    cdef unsigned int i
    truc = list()
    cdef np.ndarray[INTTYPE_t, ndim=3] bidule
    cdef np.ndarray[INTTYPE_t, ndim=2] theta
    cdef np.ndarray[DOUBLETYPE_t, ndim=1] prior
    cdef unsigned int drawn_label, iteration       

    # loop over ICE iterations
    for iteration in np.arange(nb_iter):


        # loop over pixels        
        for i in ind:            

            truc = map(functools.partial(func_for_map, img_flat=img_flat, mat_neigh=mat_neigh, i=i), labels)                        

            bidule = np.array(truc).T.reshape((-1, 2, labels.size)).astype(INTTYPE)            

            theta = np.sum(bidule, axis=1).T

            # ok so far

            prior = np.exp(, betas)).astype(DOUBLETYPE)
#            print('ok after prior') 
#            return 0
            # sample from the posterior
            drawn_label = np.random.choice(labels, p=prior/np.sum(prior))

            img_flat[(i//(N-2) + 1)*N + i%(N-2) + 1] = drawn_label

        if iteration >= burnin:
            print('Iteration %i --> sample' % iteration)
            lst_samples.append(copy.copy(img_flat.reshape(M, N)))

            print('Iteration %i --> burnin' % iteration)   

    return lst_samples


truc = map(functools.partial(lambda label, img_flat, mat_neigh : 1-np.equal(label, img_flat[mat_neigh[i, 1:]]).astype(np.uint), img_flat=img_flat, mat_neigh=mat_neigh), labels)

所有truc = 1-np.equal(labels[:, None], img_flat[mat_neigh[i, 1:]][None, :]) np.arange,现在的计算是通过Divakar建议的range完成的。


3 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:3)

我已在您的来源上运行Cython in annotated mode,并查看了结果。也就是说,将其保存在q.pyx中,我就跑了

cython -a q.pyx
firefox q.html


代码颜色为深黄色,表示就Cython而言,代码远非静态类型。 AFAICT,分为两类。


  1. for iteration in np.arange(nb_iter):for i in ind:中,您需要为每次迭代支付约30 C行。请参阅here如何在Cython中高效访问numpy数组。

  2. truc = map(functools.partial(func_for_map, img_flat=img_flat, mat_neigh=mat_neigh, i=i), labels)中,您并没有从静态类型中获得任何好处。我建议您cdef使用func_for_map函数,然后自行调用它。

  3. 在其他情况下,您正在调用numpy矢量化函数,例如theta = np.sum(bidule, axis=1).Tprior = np.exp(, betas)).astype(DOUBLETYPE)等。在这些情况下,Cython实际上并没有多少一个好处。

答案 1 :(得分:2)



theta = np.sum(bidule, axis=1).T
prior = np.exp(, betas))

在一步中结合求和和矩阵乘法,我们会有 -, axis=1).T, betas)

现在,这涉及沿轴进行求和,然后在逐元素乘法后求和。在许多工具中,我们有np.einsum来帮助我们,特别是因为我们可以一次性执行这些减少,就像这样 -


运行时测试 -

In [98]: # Setup
    ...: N = 100
    ...: bidule = np.random.rand(4,2,N)
    ...: betas = np.random.rand(4)

In [99]: %timeit, axis=1).T, betas)
100000 loops, best of 3: 12.4 µs per loop

In [100]: %timeit np.einsum('ijk,i->k',bidule,betas)
100000 loops, best of 3: 4.05 µs per loop

In [101]: # Setup
     ...: N = 10000
     ...: bidule = np.random.rand(4,2,N)
     ...: betas = np.random.rand(4)

In [102]: %timeit, axis=1).T, betas)
10000 loops, best of 3: 157 µs per loop

In [103]: %timeit np.einsum('ijk,i->k',bidule,betas)
10000 loops, best of 3: 90.9 µs per loop


答案 2 :(得分:1)

This answer很好地解释了为什么Numpy效率低下并且你仍然想要使用Cython。基本上是:

  • 小型阵列的开销(也减少了像np.sum(bidule, axis=1);
  • 这样的小尺寸
  • 由于中介而缓存大型阵列的抖动。

在这种情况下,要从Cython中受益,你必须用 plain Python循环替换Numpy数组操作--Cython必须能够将它转换为C代码,否则没有意义。这并不意味着你必须重写所有Numpy函数,你必须对它有所了解。


另一方面,您应该保留(规范化的)prior数组并继续使用np.random.choice。这并不是一个简单的方法(嗯......见source for choice)。不幸的是,这意味着这部分可能会成为性能瓶颈。