有条件地将列和值添加到Spark Rows

时间:2016-10-25 14:49:16

标签: scala apache-spark spark-dataframe

我正在处理Spark DataFrame DF )并需要在流程中添加一列,从调用mapPartitions开始:

// Don't worry about what 'widget' is or represents
val rdd = df.mapPartitions { rows => addColIfNecessary(rows, widget) }


def addColIfNecessary(rows : Iterator[Row], widget : Widget) : Iterator[Row] = {
    rows.foreach { row =>
        if(widget.determineWhetherRowNeedsNewCol(row)) {
            // TODO: Add a new "fizz" column (of StringType) to the row
            val newVal : String = widget.getValueOfNewCol(row)
            row.addColumn("fizz", StringType, newVal)



1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:1)


一个例子: 让我们来看看用户和页面的DF:

val users = Seq("Alice" , "Bob", "Charly", "Dean", "Eve", "Flor", "Greta")
val pages = (1 to 9).map(i => s"page_$i")
val userPages = for {u <- users
                     p <- pages} yield (u,p) 

val userPagesDF = sparkContext.parallelize(userPages).toDF("user","page")

// a user defined function that takes the last digit from the page and uses it to calculate a "rank". It only ranks pages with a number higher than 7

val rankUDF = udf((p:String) => if (p.takeRight(1).toInt>7) "top" else null)

// New DF with the extra column "rank", which contains values for only some rows
val ranked = userPagesDF.withColumn("rank", topPage($"page"))


| user|   page|rank|
|Alice| page_1|null|
|Alice| page_2|null|
|Alice| page_3|null|
|Alice| page_4|null|
|Alice| page_5|null|
|Alice| page_6|null|
|Alice| page_7|null|
|Alice| page_8| top|
|Alice| page_9| top|
|  Bob| page_1|null|
|  Bob| page_2|null|
|  Bob| page_3|null|
|  Bob| page_4|null|
|  Bob| page_5|null|
|  Bob| page_6|null|
|  Bob| page_7|null|
|  Bob| page_8| top|
|  Bob| page_9| top|


 |-- user: string (nullable = true)
 |-- page: string (nullable = true)
 |-- rank: string (nullable = true)