堆栈改编自Deque Pointer?

时间:2016-10-25 14:26:20

标签: c++ pointers stack deque adapt



  • 必须能够存储任意类型的元素
  • 只要系统有足够的可用内存,
  • 每个实例都接受插入
  • 必须位于命名空间cop4530
  • 必须使用下面的头文件中显示的大多数方法和运算符重载     (不是回(),+ = op,[] ops)
  • 在.h中声明的方法/函数等,并在单独的.hpp
  • 中实现



为什么他使用deque 指针? 我搜索并发现许多人将STL容器改编为堆栈的情况,但从未解释过STL容器指向堆栈。有人可以解释这个使用非指针的好处,如果有的话?示例帮助


#ifndef COP4530_STACK_H
#define COP4530_STACK_H

#include <iostream>
#include <deque>

namespace cop4530

template <typename T>
class Stack;

//     Stack<T>

template <typename T>
class Stack
  // Constructor, Copy-constructor and destructor
  Stack  ();
  Stack  (const Stack<T>&);
  Stack  (Stack<T> &&);
  ~Stack (); 

  // member operators
  Stack<T>& operator =  (const Stack<T>&);
  Stack<T> & operator=(Stack<T> &&);
  Stack<T>& operator += (const Stack<T>&);
  const T&         operator [] (int) const;
  T&               operator [] (int);

  // other methods
  int   size        () const;
  int   capacity    () const;

  // Container class protocol
  bool         empty     () const;
  void         clear     ();
  void         push      (const T&);
  void         push      (T &&);
  void         pop       ();
  T&           top       ();
  const T&     top       () const;
  T&           back      ();

  // Display methods 
  void print    (std::ostream& os, char ofc = ' ') const;

  std::deque<T>  *mystack;   // pointer to the stack.
//std::deque<T>   mystack;   //WHY NOT THIS???

} ;

// operator overloads
template < class T >
std::ostream& operator << (std::ostream& os, const Stack<T>& a);

template < class T >
bool      operator == (const Stack<T>&, const Stack<T>&); 

template < class T >
bool      operator != (const Stack<T>&, const Stack<T>&); 

template < class T >
bool      operator <= (const Stack<T>&, const Stack<T>&);

#include "stack.hpp"

}   // namespace cop4530


#ifndef COP4530_STACK_HPP
#define COP4530_STACK_HPP

//     Stack<T>:: Implementations

// operator overloads

    template <typename T>
std::ostream& operator << (std::ostream& os, const Stack<T>& s)


    template <typename T>
bool operator<=(const Stack<T>& s1, const Stack<T>& s2)


    template <typename T>
bool operator == (const Stack<T>& s1, const Stack<T>& s2)


    template <typename T>
bool operator != (const Stack<T>& s1, const Stack<T>& s2)


// public methods

    template <typename T>


    template <typename T>
Stack<T>::Stack(const Stack<T>& source)


template <typename T>
Stack<T>::Stack(Stack<T> && source)

    template <typename T>
    // destructor


    template <typename T>
Stack<T>& Stack<T>::operator = (const Stack<T>& source) 
    // assignment operator


template <typename T>
Stack<T>& Stack<T>::operator = (Stack<T> && source)


    template <typename T>
Stack<T>& Stack<T>::operator += (const Stack<T>& source) 


template <typename T>
const T& Stack<T>::operator [] (int i) const                 
// element operator


    template <typename T>
T& Stack<T>::operator [] (int i)
    // element operator


template <typename T>
bool Stack<T>::empty() const


template <typename T>
int Stack<T>::size() const


    template <typename T>
void Stack<T>::push(const T& Val)


template <typename T>
void Stack<T>::push(T && Val)


    template <typename T>
void Stack<T>::pop()


    template <typename T>
void Stack<T>::clear()


template <typename T>
T&  Stack<T>::top()


template <typename T>
const T&  Stack<T>::top() const


template <typename T>
T&  Stack<T>::back()


template <typename T>
void Stack<T>::print(std::ostream& os, char ofc) const



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