
时间:2016-10-25 06:49:43

标签: javascript jquery html css


我有上面的排行榜,有两个标签'Leaderboard1'和'Leaderboard 2'。 Leaderboard1按钮显示排行榜上方,如图所示。单击“排行榜”2选项卡时,如何显示相同的排行榜。 第二个排行榜的内容会有所不同,我将在稍后处理。

create table words(
    language char(3),
    word varchar(127),
    ... -- other attributes, like noun/verb etc

create table translations(
    srcword varchar(127), -- this points to word to be translated
    dstword varchar(127), -- this points to translation
    ... -- other attributes, like archaic, common etc etc

小提琴链接:Current status

2 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:1)


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 <div class="form">

            <ul class="tab-group">
                <li class="tab active"><a href="#weeklylb">Weekly LB</a></li>
                <li class="tab"><a href="#overalllb">Overall LB</a></li>
                <li class="tab"><a href="#defaulters">Defaulters</a></li>
                <li class="tab"><a href="#co-workers">Co-Workers</a></li>

            <div class="tab-content">
                <div id="weeklylb" class="leadboardcontent">

                    <div class="leaderboard" id="leaderboard">

                                <mark>Weekly LB</mark>
                                <mark>Brandon Barnes</mark>
                                <mark>Raymond Knight</mark>
                                <mark>Trevor McCormick</mark>
                                <mark>Andrew Fox</mark>
                                <mark>Andrew Fox</mark>
                                <mark>Trevor McCormick</mark>
                                <mark>Andrew Fox</mark>


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                              c1.117,0,2.025,0.893,2.025,1.99v2.06C5.627,7.163,5.435,7.138,5.238,7.138z M18.883,21.717v2.553H6.118v-2.553H18.883
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                              C17.43,11.638,15.357,14.276,12.5,14.276z M21.215,7.138h-1.452c-0.197,0-0.39,0.024-0.572,0.07v-2.06
                <div id="overalllb" class="leadboardcontent" style="display:none">
                    <div class="leaderboard">

                                <mark>Overall LB</mark>
                                <mark>Brandon Barnes1</mark>
                                <mark>Raymond Knight1</mark>
                                <mark>Trevor McCormick1</mark>
                                <mark>Andrew Fox1</mark>
                                <mark>And1rew Fox1</mark>
                                <mark>Tre1vor McCormick1</mark>
                                <mark>Andrew Fox1</mark>

                <!-- login tab end defaulters -->
                <div id="defaulters" class="leadboardcontent" style="display:none">
                    <div class="leaderboard">

                                <mark>Brandon Barnes2</mark>
                                <mark>Raymond Knight2</mark>
                                <mark>Trevor McCormick2</mark>
                                <mark>Andrew Fox2</mark>
                                <mark>And1rew Fox2</mark>
                                <mark>Tre1vor McCormick2</mark>
                                <mark>Andrew Fox2</mark>

                <!-- login tab end co-workers -->
                <div id="co-workers" class="leadboardcontent" style="display:none">
                    <div class="leaderboard">

                                <mark>Brandon Barnes2</mark>
                                <mark>Raymond Knight2</mark>
                                <mark>Trevor McCormick2</mark>
                                <mark>Andrew Fox2</mark>
                                <mark>And1rew Fox2</mark>
                                <mark>Tre1vor McCormick2</mark>
                                <mark>Andrew Fox2</mark>


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        <script src=''></script>

答案 1 :(得分:0)


我有上面的排行榜,有两个标签'Leaderboard1'和'Leaderboard 2'。
