
时间:2016-10-24 04:37:23

标签: java algorithm


  1. 如果剩余的Config.MAX_ACTION支柱少于Config.MIN_ACTION条   那么选择者必须选择最小数量的棍棒(Config.MAX_ACTION)。

  2. 对于剩余的actionRanking或更多棍棒,然后选择基于   actionRanking参数。

  3. 0数组为每个可能的操作都有一个元素。 Config.MIN_ACTION   index对应Config.MAX_ACTION,最高索引对应   到Config.MIN_ACTION

  4. 例如,如果1Config.MAX_ACTION3actionRanking[0],     动作可以是拿起1,2或3支。

  5. 1对应actionRanking[1]2对应Config.MIN_ACTION等。与其他元素相比,动作的元素越高,则越有可能应该选择行动。

  6. 首先通过对所有元素值求和来计算可能性总数。然后根据各种排名的相对频率选择特定的动作。

  7. 例如,如果1Config.MAX_ACTION{9,90,1}为3:如果操作排名为100,则总计为actionRanking[0]。由于9Config.RNG.nextInt(?),因此应选择拾取1的操作大约9/100次。 2应选择约90/100次,1应选择约1/100次。

  8. 使用sticksRemaining方法生成适当的随机数。

  9. actionRanking表示剩余的木棒数量。

  10. 0:要采取的每项行动的计数。 Config.MIN_ACTION索引对应Config.MAX_ACTION,最高索引对应0

  11. 返回要拾取的枝条数量。在以下情况下会返回actionRankingnullactionRanking0的长度为sticksRemaining,或<= 0static int aiChooseAction(int sticksRemaining, int[] actionRanking) { if(actionRanking == null || actionRanking.length == 0 || sticksRemaining <= 0) return 0 ; else if(sticksRemaining < Config.MAX_ACTION) return Config.MIN_ACTION; //TODO change to appropriate value else { int max = Integer.MIN_VALUE; int index = 0 ; for(int i = 0; i < actionRanking.length; i++) { if(actionRanking[i] >= max) { max = actionRanking[i]; index = i ; } } if(sticksRemaining<max) return index+1; else return Config.RNG.nextInt(Config.MAX_ACTION)+Config.MIN_ACTION; } } }。

  12. 我编写的代码如下:

    private static void testAiChooseAction() {
            boolean error = false;
            // 1.
            int action = Sticks.aiChooseAction(0, null);
            if (action != 0) {
                error = true;
                System.out.println("testAiChooseAction 1: for 0 sticks or null " 
                        + "actionRanking, response should be 0.");
            // 2.
            int[] actionRanking = new int[] { 1, 100, 0 };
            action = Sticks.aiChooseAction(-5, actionRanking);
            if (action != 0) {
                error = true;
                System.out.println("testAiChooseAction 2: for negative sticks," 
                        + " response should be 0.");
            // 3.
            action = Sticks.aiChooseAction(10, actionRanking);
            if (action < Config.MIN_ACTION || action > Config.MAX_ACTION) {
                error = true;
                System.out.println("testAiChooseAction 3: invalid action " 
                        + action);
            // 4.
            // create and initialize to 0 an action ranking array
            actionRanking = new int[NUM_ACTIONS];
            // set the highest index to the highest ranking
            // so we expect the MAX_ACTION to be chosen
            actionRanking[actionRanking.length - 1] = 100;
            action = Sticks.aiChooseAction(10, actionRanking);
            if (action != Config.MAX_ACTION) {
                error = true;
                System.out.println("testAiChooseAction 4: expected " 
                        + Config.MAX_ACTION + " rather than " + action);
            // 5.
            actionRanking = new int[] { 1, 6, 3 }; // test for 3 actions
            int[] responses = new int[actionRanking.length];
            // set seed to get repeatable "random" values
            // call a bunch of times so there is reasonable chance of seeing the
            // expected distribution.
            for (int i = 0; i < 10000; i++) {
                action = Sticks.aiChooseAction(10, actionRanking);
                responses[action - Config.MIN_ACTION]++;
            if (responses[0] != 1037 || responses[1] != 5819 
                    || responses[2] != 3144) {
                error = true;
                System.out.println("testAiChooseAction 5: for seed 123 "
                        + "responses were expected to be [1037, 5819, 3144] " 
                        + " but found " + Arrays.toString(responses));
            // can you think of other tests that would be useful?
            // if so, then you can add them.
            if (error) {
                System.out.println("testAiChooseAction: failed");
            } else {
                System.out.println("testAiChooseAction: passed");


    testAiChooseAction 5: for seed 123 responses were expected to be [1037, 5819, 3144]  but found [3327, 3370, 3303]
    testAiChooseAction: failed


    transparent mode (SQUID)

    如何解决错误?请帮我 。

2 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:0)


Random r = new Random();
int [] count = { 0, 0, 0 };
for(int i = 0; i < 10000; i++) {


[3327, 3370, 3303]


return Config.RNG.nextInt(Config.MAX_ACTION)+Config.MIN_ACTION;



int totalWeight = 0;
for(int i = 0; i < actionRanking.length; i++) {
    totalWeight += actionRanking[i];


int selection = Config.RNG.nextInt(totalWeight)+Config.MIN_ACTION;
int weight = Config.MIN_ACTION;

for(int i = 0; i < actionRanking.length - 1; i++) {
    weight += actionRanking[i];
    if (selection < weight) {
        return i + Config.MIN_ACTION;
return Config.MAX_ACTION;

测试显示这更接近您的预期输出,但它不相同([2959, 5998, 1043]) - 可能是由于使用nextInt(10)而不是nextInt(3)。您可能想要更改计算预期结果的方式。

答案 1 :(得分:0)



例如,如果Config.MIN_ACTION1Config.MAX_ACTION为3:如果操作排名为{9,90,1},则总计为100。由于actionRanking[0]9,因此应选择拾取1的操作大约9/100次。 2应选择约90/100次,1应选择约1/100次。


  • 首先生成0到99之间的随机数(100个可能的值)。

  • 如果随机数小于9,则返回1.否则从随机数中减去9。

  • 如果调整后的随机数小于90,则返回2.否则从调整后的随机数中减去90。

  • 剩下的唯一可能性是调整后的随机数为0,小于1,所以返回3.


compute the 'sum' of the entries in the 'actionRanking' array
generate a random number `R` between '0' and 'sum-1' inclusive
for each entry in 'actionRanking'
   if the entry is greater than 'R'
      return 'Config.MIN_ACTION' + the index for that entry
      subtract the entry from 'R'