如何从paypal IPN交易中提取产品ID或名称

时间:2016-10-23 15:35:57

标签: php mysql paypal





我需要知道,我是否可以仅从paypal IPN检索订单而无需创建特定数据库来存储客户的订单?


$product_id_string = $_POST['custom'];
$product_id_string = rtrim($product_id_string, ","); // remove last comma
// Explode the string, make it an array, then query all the prices out, add them up, and make sure they match the payment_gross amount
$id_str_array = explode(",", $product_id_string); // Uses Comma(,) as delimiter(break point)
$fullAmount = 0;
foreach ($id_str_array as $key => $value) {

    $id_quantity_pair = explode("-", $value); // Uses Hyphen(-) as delimiter to separate product ID from its quantity
    $product_id = $id_quantity_pair[0]; // Get the product ID
    $product_quantity = $id_quantity_pair[1]; // Get the quantity
    $query = "SELECT price FROM products WHERE id='$product_id' LIMIT 1";
    $result = mysqli_query($conn, $query);
    while($row = mysqli_fetch_array($result)){
        $product_price = $row["price"];
    $product_price = $product_price * $product_quantity;
    $fullAmount = $fullAmount + $product_price;
$fullAmount = number_format($fullAmount, 2);
$grossAmount = $_POST['mc_gross']; 
if ($fullAmount != $grossAmount) {
        $message = "Possible Price Jack: " . $_POST['mc_gross'] . " != $fullAmount \n\n\n$req";
        mail("email@gmail.com", "Price Jack or Bad Programming", $message, "From: email@gmail.com" );
        exit(); // exit script
// END ALL SECURITY CHECKS NOW IN THE DATABASE IT GOES ------------------------------------
// Assign local variables from the POST PayPal variables
$custom = $_POST['custom'];
$payer_email = $_POST['payer_email'];
$first_name = $_POST['first_name'];
$last_name = $_POST['last_name'];
$payment_date = $_POST['payment_date'];
$mc_gross = $_POST['mc_gross'];
$payment_currency = $_POST['payment_currency'];
$txn_id = $_POST['txn_id'];
$receiver_email = $_POST['receiver_email'];
$payment_type = $_POST['payment_type'];
$payment_status = $_POST['payment_status'];
$txn_type = $_POST['txn_type'];
$payer_status = $_POST['payer_status'];
$address_street = $_POST['address_street'];
$address_city = $_POST['address_city'];
$address_state = $_POST['address_state'];
$address_zip = $_POST['address_zip'];
$address_country = $_POST['address_country'];
$address_status = $_POST['address_status'];
$notify_version = $_POST['notify_version'];
$verify_sign = $_POST['verify_sign'];
$payer_id = $_POST['payer_id'];
$mc_currency = $_POST['mc_currency'];
$mc_fee = $_POST['mc_fee'];

// Place the transaction into the database
$sql = mysqli_query($conn, "INSERT INTO transactions (id, product_id_array, payer_email, first_name, last_name, payment_date, mc_gross, payment_currency, receiver_email, payment_type, payment_status, txn_type, payer_status, address_street, address_city, address_state, address_zip, address_country, address_status, notify_version, verify_sign, payer_id, mc_currency, mc_fee) 
   VALUES('$txn_id','$custom','$payer_email','$first_name','$last_name','$payment_date','$mc_gross','$payment_currency','$receiver_email','$payment_type','$payment_status','$txn_type','$payer_status','$address_street','$address_city','$address_state','$address_zip','$address_country','$address_status','$notify_version','$verify_sign','$payer_id','$mc_currency','$mc_fee')") or die ("unable to execute the query");

// Mail yourself the details
mail("email@gmail.com", "New Order Entered: ".$txn_id, $req, "From: email@gmail.com");

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