
时间:2010-10-25 19:08:09

标签: c# multithreading variables scope producer-consumer

简单地说,在单个生产者 - 单个消费者场景下,我使用了一个可变对象进行同步,并在生产者和消费者之间传递数据和消息。共享缓冲区是ConcurrentQueue字节数组。为了实现循环缓冲区并防止堆碎片和GC频繁的对象交换,我使用ConcurrentBag字节数组作为使用的字节数组的循环二进制文件。 ManualResetEventSlim用于线程同步。有时我在代码中丢失了对字节数组的引用。下面是我的代码的简化版本,以防您需要更多详细信息,但我想这是使用线程时的常规错误。

MutableObject mutableObject = new MutableObject();

Producer producer = MutableObject.GetProducer();
Consumer consumer = MutableObject.GetConsumer();

Thread fork = new Thread(new ThreadStart(producer.Start));

// Forking execution path
// Main thread goes here

class MutableObject()
    private Producer m_producer;
    private Consumer m_consumer;
    private ConcurrentBag<byte[]> m_recycleBin = new ConcurrentBag<byte[]>();
    private ConcurrentQueue<byte[]> m_sharedBuffer = new ConcurrentQueue<byte[]>();

    public Producer GetProducer()
        // Keep a reference to the mutable object
        return new Producer(this);

    // GetConsumer() method is just like GetProducer() method

    public void GetEmptyBuffer(out byte[] buffer)
        if (!m_recycleBin.TryTake(out buffer))
            buffer = new byte[1024];

    public bool Put(byte[] buffer)
        // Set ManualResetEventSlim for consumer

    public bool Get(byte[] buffer) // Consumer calls this method in a loop
        m_sharedBuffer.TryDequeue(out buffer);
        // I save a reference to buffer here and pass it to recyclebin at next call like this: lastBuffer = buffer;
        // This is because buffers are passing by refrence for I should wait until it would be used by consumer.
        // Set ManualResetEventSlim for producer

class Producer
    private MutableObject m_mutableObject;

    public Producer(MutableObject mutableObject)
        m_mutableObject = mutableObject;

    public void Start()
        byte[] buffer;

        while (true)
            m_mutableObject.GetEmptyBuffer(out buffer);


1 个答案:

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public bool Get(byte[] buffer)

这将是一个失去参考的明显地方。此方法实际上无法返回检索到的缓冲区。您必须使用 ref 关键字让它返回数组。很难相信真正的代码看起来像这样,它根本不起作用。还有很多其他的红旗,ConcurrentBag有线程关联性,如果你动态创建消费者线程,东西就会丢失。您不能使用ManualResetEvent将使用者与生产者同步,它只能计为1。
