
时间:2016-10-21 11:33:06

标签: ios swift uiimage storage

https://github.com/zalando/MapleBacon的文档之后,我创建了以下内容,它在Swift 2.3中工作:

import MapleBacon

fileprivate let
_manager: ImageManager
, _storage: DiskStorage
, _stopwatch: Stopwatch
, _urlsLoading: [ String ]

required init ()
    _manager = ImageManager.sharedManager
    _storage = DiskStorage( name: "MyStorageName" )
    _stopwatch = Stopwatch()
    _urlsLoading = []

func loadImageBy ( Url url: String )
    guard let nsurl = URL( string: url ) else { return }

    _urlsLoading.append( url )

        atUrl: nsurl
        , cacheScaled: true
        , imageView: nil
        , storage: _storage
        , completion:
            [ unowned self ] ( image, error ) -> Void in
                Delay: 0.02
                , ForListener: self._onStopwatchComplete 

我发现使用我自己的Stopwatch组件强制启用延迟0.02 MapleBacon.DiskStorage以通过其image( forKey: )方法提供图片:

fileprivate lazy var _onStopwatchComplete: ( String, Any? ) -> Void =
    [ unowned self ] ( key: String, data: Any? ) -> Void in

    var url: String, imageCount = 0

    // loop through urls of images being loaded
    for _ in 0..<self._urlsLoading.count
        url = self._urlsLoading[ imageCount ]

        // image found
        if let img = self._storage.image( forKey: url )
            print( img )
            // remove from list of urls of images being loaded and...
            self._urlsLoading.remove( at: imageCount )

        // image not found: continue waiting
            imageCount += 1


使用Swift 3.0版本的MapleBacon,即使延迟5秒也不会在_storage中生成对图像的引用,就像Swift 2.3版本一样,{{1闭合要么。

使用completion: ( image, error ) -> 3.0.0版本,需要做些什么才能成功地存储和检索来自MapleBacon的图片?


PS :我没有创建DiskManager标记所需的分数。如果有人这样做,那就太棒了,谢谢你。

1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:0)

MapleBacon的贡献者Jan Gorman认为这是MapleBacon 3.0.0中的一个真正的错误,并上传了一个修复程序(问题跟踪:https://github.com/zalando/MapleBacon/issues/38)。在Swift 2.3中运行的代码现在也适用于Swift 3.0。