如何要求用户输入以从链表中删除任何行? (使用get和set方法)

时间:2016-10-21 04:28:24

标签: java linked-list


我需要使用get方法获取索引并返回它,然后使用remove方法。最后,我将输出带有添加更改的文件并将其显示给用户。 我不知道我的获取和删除方法是否正确。 希望有人可以指出我正确的方向!


//class JOptionPane
import javax.swing.JOptionPane;
//class String Tokenizer
import java.util.StringTokenizer;
//class Scanner
import java.util.Scanner;
//class File
import java.io.File;
//class FileNotFoundException
import java.io.FileNotFoundException;

public class Testing19{
   public static void main(String[]args){
   	//checks to see if there's an input file in the commandline
      if(args.length != 1) 
      	//displays an error if there's none
         System.out.println("ERROR: NO INPUT FOUND");
      	//create a new object file from the commandline
         File file = new File(args[0]);
      	//creat a new scanner
         Scanner data = null;
         	//creates a link between the file and data
            data = new Scanner(file);
         catch(FileNotFoundException e){
         	//displays the error
            System.out.println("ERROR: File not found");
      	//initialize a string for the 
         String output = new String();
      	//this will check for data inside the file
         	//read the data per line in the file
            String line = data.nextLine();
         	//initialize a string for name
            String name;
         	//initialize a string for age
            String scientificname;
            //initialize a string for age
            String color;
            //initialize a string for age
            String population; 
         	//make a new scanner for token
            Scanner tokenInput = new Scanner(line).useDelimiter(",");
         	//assign the first token as a string
            name = tokenInput.next();
            //assign the first token as a string
            scientificname = tokenInput.next();
            //assign the first token as a string
            color = tokenInput.next();
         	//assign the second token as an string
            population = tokenInput.next();
         	//reads the 2nd token as an integer
            Integer population2 = Integer.parseInt(population);
         	//create a new object list from the class LinkedList
            LinkedList list = new LinkedList();
         	//calls the add() method from the LinkedList class
            list.add(name, scientificname, color, population2);
         	//assign the result in the output string
            output = output + list;
      		//displays the output in the JOption pane
         JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, output);
   }//end of main
}//end of class

* Class LinkedList
class LinkedListAldz{
   protected HawaiiNativeForestBirdsNode head = null;
   protected Integer size = new Integer(0);
   public void add(String name2, String scientificname2, String color2, Integer population2){
      if (head == null) {
      	//new PersonNode and store it on head if the list is empty
         head = new HawaiiNativeForestBirdsNode(name2,scientificname2,color2,population2, null);
      else {
      	//adds to the end of the list
         HawaiiNativeForestBirdsNode previous = head;
         HawaiiNativeForestBirdsNode current = head.getNext();
         while (current != null) {
         	//next PersonNode
            previous = current;
            current = current.getNext();
      	//new PersonNode at the of the list.
         HawaiiNativeForestBirdsNode birds = new HawaiiNativeForestBirdsNode(name2,scientificname2,color2,population2,null);
      	//point previous node
	 * Gets an item (address to an item) from any position in the list.
	 * @param position
	 *            The position of an item in the list.
	 * @returns the address to the requested item
	 * @exception ListException
	 *                if an item does not exist at that position
   public int get(Integer position)  {
   	// check if empty list
      if (head == null) {
         System.out.println("Cannot get an item from an empty list!");
   	// if position is outside range, throw exception
      if (position < 1 || position > size) {
         System.out.println(position + " is outside list range!");
   	// Find node:
   	// counter to keep track of loops
      Integer counter = new Integer(1);
   	// point to current node
      HawaiiNativeForestBirdsNode current = head;
      while (!counter.equals(position)) {
      	// BAD CODE: while(counter != position){
      	// goto next node for current pointer
         current = current.getNext();
      	// add 1 to counter
   	// return the data (item) stored by the node
      return current.getData();
	 * Removes an item at any position from the list.
	 * @param position
	 *            The position of an item in the list.
	 * @exception ListException
	 *                if an item does not exist at that position
   public void remove(Integer position) throws ListException {
   	// check if empty list
      if (head == null) {
         throw new ListException("cannot remove from empty list");
   	// if position is outside range, throw exception
      if (position < 1 || position > size) {
         throw new ListException(position + " is outside list range.");
   	// if at beginning of list
      if (position.equals(1)) {
      	// remove 1st node
         head = head.getNext();
      // if not at beginning of list
      else {
      	// Find node:
      	// point previous to 1st node
         HawaiiNativeForestBirdsNode previous = head;
      	// point current to 2nd node
            current = head.getNext();
      	// loop position-2 number of times
         for (int i = 2; i < position; i++) {
         	// goto next node for previous and current
            previous = current;
            current = current.getNext();
      	// Point the previous node to node after current node.
      	// This "skips" over one node, thus removing it!
   	// decrease size of list
   public String toString() {
   	// instantiate empty string
      String csvFormat = new String("");
   	// display position of each item to user
      Integer position = new Integer(1);
   	// loop through all the nodes in linked list
      for (HawaiiNativeForestBirdsNode current = head; current != null; current = current
      		.getNext()) {
      	// keep adding to end of string
         csvFormat = csvFormat + current.toString() + "\n";
      	// add one to position for each loop
      return csvFormat;
}//end of LinkedList

* Class PersonNode 
* @ param name for the name
*			 age  for the age
*			 next for the next PersonNode

 class HawaiiNativeForestBirdsNode{
    	//data fields are set to private
       private String name;
       private String scientificname;
       private String color;
       private Integer population;
       private HawaiiNativeForestBirdsNode next;
    	* constructor method
    	* @ param x is for the name
    	*			 y is for the age
    	*			 next2 is for the next
       public HawaiiNativeForestBirdsNode(String x, String y, String z, Integer b, HawaiiNativeForestBirdsNode next2) {
          name = x;
          scientificname = y;
          color = z;
          population = b;
          next = next2;
    	* calls the toString method
    	* from the class String
    	* returns result
       public String toString(){
       	//initialize te format of the output 
          String result =  name + "    "+  scientificname + "    " +  color  + "    "+  population;
          return result;
    	* acessory method
    	* returns name
       public String getName(){
          return name;
    	* acessory method
    	* returns name
       public String getScientificname(){
          return scientificname;
    	* acessory method
    	* returns name
       public String getColor(){
          return color;

    	* acessory method
    	* returns age
       public Integer getPopulation(){
          return population;
    	* acessory method
    	* returns next
       public HawaiiNativeForestBirdsNode getNext(){
          return next;
    	* mutator method
    	* @ param x is set name
       public void setName(String x){
          name = x;
    	* mutator method
    	* @ param x is set name
       public void setScientificName(String y){
          scientificname = y;
    	* mutator method
    	* @ param x is set name
       public void setColor(String z){
          color = z;

    	* mutator method
    	* @ param y is set age
       public void setPopulation(Integer b){
          population = b;
    	* nutator method
    	* @ param next2 is set next
       public void setNext(HawaiiNativeForestBirdsNode next2){
          next = next2;
    }//end of HawaiiNativeForestBirdsNode


1.akiapola'au,hemignathus munroi,yellow,800
2.akepa,loxops coccineus,red,9301
3.hawai'i creeper,oreomystis mana,yellow green,2501
4.i'iwi,vestiara coccinea,red green,30001
5.apapane,himatione sanguinea,white red,5001
6.hawai'i amakihi,hemignathus virens,yellow brown,3001
7.oma'o,myadestes obscurus,gray,170001
8.hawai'an hawk,buteo solitarius,white gray,1100
9.puaiohi,myadestes palmeri,brown,125
10.anianiau,magumma parva,light yellow,2000


Testing19.java:136: error: cannot find symbol
      return current.getData();
  symbol:   method getData()
  location: variable current of type HawaiiNativeForestBirdsNode
1 error

1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:1)

首先,你的班级&#39; HawaiiNativeForestBirdsNode&#39;不包含方法&#39; getData()&#39;。这就是抛出异常的原因。要获得用户输入,您应该使用BufferedReader:

import java.io.BufferedReader;

BufferedReader br = new BufferedReader(new    InputStreamReader(System.in));
String input = br.readLine();

- 路易斯