Query params not working properly

时间:2016-10-20 20:07:09

标签: angular angular2-routing

In my Angular2 app I need to pass some optional arguments to a route. Because they are optional, I decided to use queryParams.

I am using the following code to pass the argument:

public recoverPassword() {
        { queryParams: { 'email': this.model.email }} ]

I get this URL:


As you can see, the parameter is completely wrong. And I can't parse it the in target component. The correct url should be:


I followed the official doc, but I can't find a working solution.

1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:1)

queryParams should be passed as a second argument (to be more precise, it is just a part of optional second argument NavigationExtras, you can read more about it here), not as a part of first argument which is a route you want to navigate to. This should do the trick:

public recoverPassword() {
        { queryParams: { 'email': this.model.email } }