Does Messenger really requires calling Unscribe

时间:2016-10-20 20:06:43

标签: xamarin.forms

I see Messenger uses WeakReference to store references to event emitters and event listeners:

Is calling Unscribe still necessary to avoid memory leaks?

I think I hit a situation on Android where it really looks like I must call it, otherwise I have a memory leak.

To check for a potential memory leak, I added the deconstructor to both view-model and view and I call GC.Collect on OnDisappearing on the Page, and the deconstructors do not get called unless I call Unscribe.

EDIT: After a closer inspection I see Messenger also stores the Action callback passed to Messenger.Subscribe(), but without using a WeakReference !


I am confused, why isn't it using a WeakReference also for storing the Action!? Because it's obvious it's going to leak unless I call Unscribe

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