How to add prebuilt *.so library in android studio 2.2

时间:2016-10-20 18:42:43

标签: android android-ndk cmake

I tried to add library into project, but android studio ignore my lib. My CmakeLists.txt add_library( mylib SHARED IMPORTED ) set_target_properties(ffmpeg PROPERTIES IMPORTED_LOCATION src/main /libs/${ANDROID_ABI}/ )

After building my apk not contain How to add prebuilt library into project with cmake?

2 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:7)


import scrapy
from faa_gov.items import FaaGovItem
class faa_gov(scrapy.Spider):
    name = "faa_actlnchlic"
    allowed_domains = ['']
    start_urls = ['']

    def parse(self, response):
        licenses = response.xpath("//caption[text()='Active Launch Licenses']/following-sibling::tbody[1]/tr")
        for license in licenses:
            license_item = FaaGovItem()
            license_item['license'] = license.xpath('.//td[1]/a').extract()
            license_item['company'] = license.xpath('.//td[2]').extract()
            license_item['vehicle'] = license.xpath('.//td[3]').extract()
            license_item['location'] = license.xpath('.//td[4]').extract()
            license_item['expiration'] = license.xpath('.//td[5]/span').extract()
            yield license_item  

一个例子是: 如果你的共享库[你的是在项目路径内]靠近你的项目,那么将你的共享库的相对路径放到你的CMakeLists.txt就行了。


答案 1 :(得分:2)

1 - In the root directory, create new folder: /libs in which and place your external libraries in there.

2 - Change the project structure

           - build.gradle  // Local Gradle configuration (for app only)
                - build.gradle // Local Gradle configuration (for library only)
      - build.gradle // Global Gradle configuration (for whole project)
      - settings.gradle

3 - don't forget to change gradle.setting to

include ':app', ':libraryName'
project(':libraryName').projectDir = new File('libs/libraryName')

4-In app/build.gradle add your library

dependencies {
    compile fileTree(dir: 'libs', include: ['*.jar'])
    compile ''
    compile project(":PagerSlidingTabStrip")

Also there is way in android studio to add your library so it config gradle and project structure and it is :

1.File / Project Structure /

2.In module section find your project and in Dependancy tab add your library