将SQL中的2个表与一些不同的列名组合在一起(Transact SQL)

时间:2016-10-20 15:11:51

标签: sql sql-server tsql merge union

我正在尝试在SQL Server 2012中组合多个表,其中一些列是相同的,但其他列是不同的。我想让它们在同一个表中,其中NULL值缺少数据。



Table 1:  ID | First name | Middle Name | Surname
Table 2:  ID | First name | Surname | NI


          ID | First name | Middle Name | Surname| NI   


2 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:0)

var d  = [
        name: "Roof",
        photos: [
            {image_url: "http://www.url1.com"},
            {image_url: "http://www.url2.com"},
            {image_url: "http://www.url3.com"},
        name: "Doors",
        photos: [
            {image_url: "http://www.url4.com"},
            {image_url: "http://www.url5.com"},
            {image_url: "http://www.url6.com"},
            {image_url: "http://www.url7.com"}

function find(data, value){
   for(var i = 0; i < data.length; i++)

      for(var j = 0; j < data[i].photos.length; i++)
          if(data[i].photos[j].image_url == value)
            return data[i].name;



答案 1 :(得分:0)


下面的脚本包含一个表名列表(如果需要,您可以轻松地将其扩展为包含模式和数据库),并构建所有表中所有列的列表。然后在此pivot创建一个union all脚本。

最终脚本目前分为三个部分,可以更优雅地放在一起,还包括union all中必须手动删除的尾随pivot。第一部分是每个列名称的select null,只是为了让列标题在最终输出中正确。



-- Create some dummy tables and data
create table a (a int, b int, c int, d nvarchar(500));
create table b (a int, c int, e int, f decimal(10,2));

insert into a values(1,1,1,'a');
insert into b values(2,2,2,2);

-- Create global temp tables to hold data required in the execute statement later
if object_id('tempdb..##SourceColumns') is not null
drop table ##SourceColumns;
if object_id('tempdb..##TargetColumns') is not null
drop table ##TargetColumns;

-- Find all columns in all the tables required
select t.name as TableName
        ,c.name as ColumnName
        ,ty.name as ColumnType
into ##SourceColumns
from sys.tables t
    inner join sys.columns c
        on(t.object_id = c.object_id)
    inner join sys.types ty
        on(c.system_type_id = ty.system_type_id)
where t.name in('a','b')                            -- Add list of tables here
order by t.name

        ,@Cols AS NVARCHAR(MAX)
        ,@Query  AS NVARCHAR(MAX);

-- This is to build the start of your UNION ALL query, so that you can specify "NULL as <column name>"
set @ColsDummy = STUFF((
                    SELECT distinct ',null as ' + QUOTENAME(ColumnName)
                    FROM ##SourceColumns
                    FOR XML PATH(''), TYPE
                    ).value('.', 'NVARCHAR(MAX)') 

-- This is the list of column names to be used in the dynamically created PIVOT below
SET @Cols = STUFF((
                    SELECT distinct ', '','' as comma, ' + QUOTENAME(ColumnName)
                    FROM ##SourceColumns
                    FOR XML PATH(''), TYPE
                    ).value('.', 'NVARCHAR(MAX)') 

-- First part of final script
select 'select * from (select ''y'' as ignore, ' + @ColsDummy + ' union all';

-- Build and execute dynamic PIVOT for main part of UNION ALL query
set @Query = 'select ''select ''''n'''' as ignore,'' as [select], ' + @Cols + ', ''from '' + TableName + '' union all'' as [from]
                    select TableName
                    from ##SourceColumns
                ) x
                    for ColumnName in (' + replace(@Cols,', '','' as comma','') + ')
                ) p

-- Last part of final script
select ') a where ignore = ''n''' as [where];

-- Clean up global temp tables
if object_id('tempdb..##SourceColumns') is not null
drop table ##SourceColumns;
if object_id('tempdb..##TargetColumns') is not null
drop table ##TargetColumns;


删除尾随union all并复制出三个SSMS结果窗口后

select * from (select 'y' as ignore, null as [a],null as [b],null as [c],null as [d],null as [e],null as [f] union all
select 'n' as ignore,   a   ,   b   ,   c   ,   d   ,   NULL    ,   NULL    from a union all
select 'n' as ignore,   a   ,   NULL    ,   c   ,   NULL    ,   e   ,   f   from b --<union all was here>
) a where ignore = 'n'


|ignore|  a  |  b  |  c  |  d  |  e  |  f  |
|  n   |  1  |  1  |  1  |  a  | NULL| NULL|
|  n   |  2  | NULL|  2  | NULL|  2  | 2.00|