Search SQL table for value, lookup another value in that record and replace with value

时间:2016-10-20 13:11:06

标签: sql sql-server

I want to run a script on a SQL table that will search the table for the users supervisor and then replace the supervisor value with the fullname value. How can I do this? I am using MSSQL and have one table containing this data.


Timothy Dalton,tdalton,rmoore
Pierce Brosnan,pbrosnan,rmoore
Sean Connery,sconnery,rmoore
Roger Moore,rmoore,dcraig
Daniel Craig,dcraig,

After script:

Timothy Dalton,tdalton,Roger Moore
Pierce Brosnan,pbrosnan,Roger Moore
Sean Connery,sconnery,Roger Moore
Roger Moore,rmoore,Daniel Craig
Daniel Craig,dcraig,


2 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:3)

Try something like this

Update t1
    set t1.supervisor = t2.Fullname
from YourTable t1 
    join YourTable t2 on t1.supervisor = t2.username

This code hasn't been tested ... so make sure to backup table before using it

答案 1 :(得分:0)

尝试使用以下查询。 请注意,如果有ALTER TABLE Employee ADD DepartmentID INT NOT NULL Default -1; UPDATE Employee SET Employee.DepartmentID = @DepartmentID WHERE DepartmentID = -1; ALTER TABLE Employee ADD CONSTRAINT fk_employee_to_department FOREIGN KEY (DepartmentID) REFERENCES Department; ,则以下查询将失败。 (例如,如果multiple supervisors with same last name and first name starts with same charactersupervisorrmoore中有Roger MooreRoyal Moore,则以下查询将使用以下任何一个名称更新主管)

full name