How to group certain fields of a class in one JSON and the other fields in another JSON

时间:2016-10-20 12:55:16

标签: java json annotations jackson

I am using jackson to create JSON for my REST web service.

I have a class like below -

Foo Class -

   public class Foo extends Bar {
       private String id;
       private String name;
       private List<Test> testing;

Bar Class -

   public class Bar {
      private String username;

Test Class -

   public class Test {
      private String id;
      private String desc;

The desired JSON output that I intend to have is as follows -

  "username" : "ABC",
  "data": {
           "id" : "123".
           "name" : "XYZ"
  "testing" : [
                  "id" : "test1",
                  "desc" : "description1"

I tried all possible annotations and want to avoid creating a Wrapper class just for creating JSON in a certain format. The class Foo is populated from the database using getters and setters.

Note - I am new to jackson

1 个答案:

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I would suggest that it is easier to create a wrapper class instead of trying any other way to hack into the problem. You can create a wrapper class to take the input, like:

public class WrapperClasss {

private String val;

public String getVal() {
    return val;
public void setVall(String val) {
    this.val = val;

Then your code can go like this:

public class SomeWebService {
    public ResponseObject getRegister(WrapperClasss wrapperClasss) {
        MainClass classs = new MainClass();
        ResponseObject responseObject = classs.someMethod(wrapperClasss.getVal());
        return responseObject;


That is it. The Response Object here is just an object that will contain your output. That will be converted to JSON by Jackson.

public class ResponseObject{
    private String username;
    Data data;
    private List<Test> testing;

    //respective getter and setters