I'm trying to create a List of users in MVC, where there's a button to add users generated randomly and there's a delete button for each user to erase them from the list. I send it from the Controller to the View and it generates one user. When I try to add one more, it just changes it. I guess it deletes the items in the List. I'm trying to pass the list back to the Controller, but it doesn't work. Can someone help please?
My Model:
public class UsersClass
public int Code { get; set; }
public string Name { get; set; }
public UsersClass(int Code, string Name)
this.Code = Code;
this.Name = Name;
My Controllers:
List<UsersClass> UsersList = new List<UsersClass>();
public ActionResult Index()
return View(UsersList);
public ActionResult AddUser(List<UsersClass> UsersList)
if (UsersList == null)
int a = 123;
UsersList = new List<UsersClass>();
Random generator = new Random();
string[] vez_nevek = new string[10] { "Kovács", "Szekeres", "Király", "Szabó", "Vicha", "Kozma", "Ferencz", "Pócsi", "Tinka", "Horváth" };
string[] ker_nevek = new string[10] { "Lajos", "Barnabás", "Róbert", "Balázs", "János", "Béla", "Petra", "Anna", "Ferenc", "Attila" };
string vezetek_nev = vez_nevek[generator.Next(vez_nevek.Length)];
string kereszt_nev = ker_nevek[generator.Next(ker_nevek.Length)];
UsersList.Add(new UsersClass(generator.Next(100000, 999999), vezetek_nev + " " + kereszt_nev));
return View("~/Views/UserManagement/Index.cshtml", UsersList);
And my View to add a user:
<h2>User Management</h2>
@using (Html.BeginForm("AddUser", "UserManagement", FormMethod.Post))
int index = 0;
foreach (var item in Model)
Html.Hidden("item[" + index + "].Code", item.Code);
Html.TextBox("item[" + index + "].Name", item.Name);
<input type="submit" value="Add User" />
答案 0 :(得分:0)
Your HttpPost method AddUser doesnt know about the list. You should create a ViewModel that contains a list of users. A ViewModel is one way of communicating data between View and Controller. The user edits the model while they are on the page and when they click save/delete the HttpPost method for that controller will be called. Create a parameter in the HttpPost method that is the model. The View knows about the ViewModel and will send it to the controller. see code below.
public class UserManageViewModel
public List<UsersClass> users {get; set;}
the line @model UserManageViewModel
is crucial for your view to have or else it wont know what to send to the controller.
@model UserManageViewModel
<h2>User Management</h2>
@using (Html.BeginForm("AddUser", "UserManagement", FormMethod.Post))
int index = 0;
foreach (var item in Model.users)
Html.Hidden("item[" + index + "].Code", item.Code);
Html.TextBox("item[" + index + "].Name", item.Name);
<input type="submit" value="Add User" />
public ActionResult Index()
UserManageViewModel model = new UserManageViewModel();
model.users = new List<UsersClass>();
return View(model);
public ActionResult AddUser(UserManageViewModel model)
if (model.users.IsEmpty() || model.users == null)
int a = 123;
model.users = new List<UsersClass>();
Random generator = new Random();
string[] vez_nevek = new string[10] { "Kovács", "Szekeres", "Király", "Szabó", "Vicha", "Kozma", "Ferencz", "Pócsi", "Tinka", "Horváth" };
string[] ker_nevek = new string[10] { "Lajos", "Barnabás", "Róbert", "Balázs", "János", "Béla", "Petra", "Anna", "Ferenc", "Attila" };
string vezetek_nev = vez_nevek[generator.Next(vez_nevek.Length)];
string kereszt_nev = ker_nevek[generator.Next(ker_nevek.Length)];
model.users.Add(new UsersClass(generator.Next(100000, 999999), vezetek_nev + " " + kereszt_nev));
return View(model);
Hope this helps. Cheers :)
答案 1 :(得分:-1)
@Html.TextBox("UsersList", item.Name);
- 行动方法
public ActionResult AddUser(List<string> UsersList){