好的,我目前正在学习C ++课程并且在最近的任务中努力工作。但是,当我拿到我的成绩时,我得到67,因为该程序将无法编译。在我打开它之前,它在我的计算机上编译得很好。当我看到这条消息时,我进入我的程序,它没有被更改并运行它。该程序编译好!没有问题。在我写完前一句之后,我刚刚再次测试了它,并再次运行良好。
现在我在Mac上使用Xcode,而我的老师正在使用Windows Visual Studio。不确定版本或类似的东西。
int mineSpots[n][m];
for (int r = 0; r < n; r++){
for (int c = 0; c < m; c++){
mineSpots[r][c] = 0;
该程序的整个代码如下:(如果您愿意,可以转到我的github页面并查看其中的代码。这是https://github.com/ravenusmc/minesweeper_helper)同样,有关为什么编译的任何帮助xcode而不是Visual Studio会很棒。
#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include <fstream>
using namespace std;
//Global Constants
const int ROWS = 100;
const int COLS = 100;
//Prototype Functions
void buildArray(ifstream &, char [][COLS], int, int, int);
void showArray(ifstream &, ofstream &, char [][COLS], int, int, int);
//Main Function
// ***************
int main(){
//Declaring all of the variables that I will be using in the program.
ifstream inputFile;
ofstream outputFile;
char mines[ROWS][COLS];
//Variables to keep track of the number of rows and columns.
int n, m;
//variable to keep track of the number of fields
int count = 1;
//Opening the file
//Opening/creating the file to which store the information in this program.
//Checking for errors in the file.
if (inputFile.fail())
cout << "Error opening data file. Progam will now close. \n\n";
//system("pause"); //This line is for Microsoft Visual studio users.
//This loop will read the information from the file until it is empty.
while (!inputFile.eof()){
//These two lines will read the numerical values in each file and then they will be used as a counter
//for the loop.
inputFile >> n;
inputFile >> m;
//If the both values are zero, the program knows to break the while loop. Also, if the values are out of range then
//the loop will break as well.
if (n == 0 && m == 0){
}else if (n <= 0){
outputFile << "Sorry, the number of rows you have is less than 0!" << endl;
}else if (m > 100){
outputFile << "Sorry, the number of columns you have is greater than 100!" << endl;
//Calling the function to build each of the 2D arrays
buildArray(inputFile, mines, ROWS, n, m);
//This line is simply to display the field for each array in the txt document.
outputFile << "Field #" << count << endl;
//This function will build the new arrays.
showArray(inputFile, outputFile, mines, ROWS, n, m);
//These lines ensure that there is a space between each array.
cout << endl;
outputFile << endl;
//The count is incremented each pass to keep track of the field number.
//Closing the input file.
//Closing the output file.
system("pause"); //This line is for Microsoft Visual users.
return 0;
}//End of main function
//This function will build the array from the inputdata.txt file.
void buildArray(ifstream &file, char values[][COLS], int rows, int n, int m){
char row;
//This for loop goes through the document to build the array.
for (int r = 0; r < n; r++){
for (int c = 0; c < m; c++){
file >> row;
values[r][c] = row;
} // End of buildArray Function
//This function will find all the mines and then output what it finds to the outputdata.txt file.
void showArray(ifstream &file, ofstream &outFile, char values[][COLS], int rows, int n, int m){
//Creating an array to hold the numbers for the mines. Each position
//Will be set to 0 at the start.
int mineSpots[n][m];
for (int r = 0; r < n; r++){
for (int c = 0; c < m; c++){
mineSpots[r][c] = 0;
//This for loop is what will actually find the locations of the mines. It uses a counter to go through every position around
//a spot that has an '*' and counts to determine the correct number of mines around that location.
for (int row = 0; row < n; row++) {
for (int col = 0; col < m; col++) {
if (values[row][col] == '*') {
if ((row - 1 >= 0) && (col - 1 >= 0) ){
mineSpots[row - 1][col - 1]++;
if (row - 1 >= 0){
mineSpots[row - 1][col]++;
if ( (col < m - 1) && (row > 0)){
mineSpots[row - 1][col + 1]++;
if (col - 1 >= 0){
mineSpots[row][col - 1]++;
if (!(col >= m - 1)){
mineSpots[row][col + 1]++;
if (col - 1 >= 0){
mineSpots[row + 1][col - 1]++;
if ((row < n - 1) && (col < m - 1)){
mineSpots[row + 1][col + 1]++;
mineSpots[row + 1][col]++;
//This for loop displays the array.
for (int r = 0; r < n; r++){
for (int c = 0; c < m; c++){
if (values[r][c] == '*'){
outFile << '*';
outFile << mineSpots[r][c];
cout << endl;
outFile << endl;
}// End of showArray Function