时间:2016-10-20 05:54:01

标签: debugging machine-learning neural-network deep-learning recurrent-neural-network

我目前正在从头开始编写自己的RNN,几乎只使用numpy。我基本上卡住了,因为我检查了每个单独层的所有渐变,我在这里进行了所有单元测试:https://github.com/OneRaynyDay/BibleNet/blob/master/Unit%20tests.ipynb https://github.com/OneRaynyDay/BibleNet/blob/master/Gradient%20Solver%20Unit%20Test.ipynb

但是,当我使用相对合理的权重初始化和单元测试梯度优化器()进行反向传播时,我可以看到图形绝对不是我想要的。我传入了一个相对简单的语料库,基本上这篇文章来自这里:http://www.dailycal.org/2016/10/18/students-gather-hear-faculty-speak-trump-teach/不到1000字,应该很容易过度拟合。但是,成本函数看起来像这样: enter image description here 这绝对不是融合的东西。它上下跳跃,就像它实际上没有学到任何东西一样。在调试方面我该怎么办?



由于我的神经网络架构,我觉得错误正在发生。 也许我处理持续迭代的方式不正确。这是放大的代码:

        # Save typing 
        c = lambda arg: self.constants[arg]
        p = lambda arg: self.params[arg]

        # Step 1: Word embedding forward:
        words_chosen = word_embedding_forward(p("words"), x)

        # Step 2: rnn forward:
        h = rnn_forward(words_chosen, p("W_xh"), p("W_hh"), p("b_rnn"), h0)

        # Step 3: affine forward:
        affine = rnn_affine_forward(h, p("W_hy"), p("b_affine"))

        # step 4: softmax forward and backward:
        loss, dout = rnn_softmax(affine, y) 

        # step 3: affine backward:
        dh, dW_hy, db_affine = rnn_affine_backward(h, p("W_hy"), p("b_affine"), dout)

        # step 2: rnn backward:
        dW_hh, dW_xh, dx, db_rnn, dh0 = rnn_backward(words_chosen, p("W_xh"), p("W_hh"), p("b_rnn"), h0, h, dh)

        # step 1: Word embedding backward:
        dwords = word_embedding_backward(dx, p("words"), x)

        # Returns the loss and all the derivatives along with the fields.
        return (loss, [[p("words"), dwords], 
               [p("W_xh"), dW_xh], 
               [p("W_hh"), dW_hh],
               [p("W_hy"), dW_hy],
               [p("b_affine"), db_affine],
               [p("b_rnn"), db_rnn],
               [h0, dh0]], h[:,-1,:])


这是一个例子: [a,b,c,d,e,f,g] is the sequence

input (a,b,c) -> (b,c,d) output (uses zeros as initial hidden layer)

We skip over to d: input (d,e,f) -> (e,f,g) output (uses previous hidden state of c)

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