
时间:2016-10-20 01:09:28

标签: haskell lambda lowercase

我想知道如何使用ToLower函数(Char -> Char)将字符串转换为小写。


let newlist = (\(h:t) -> c (h) ++ newlist (\c -> toLower c)


3 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:12)


import Data.Char

lowerString str = [ toLower loweredString | loweredString <- str]


ghci> lowerString "Hello"


lowerString = map toLower


import Data.Char

lowerString = \x -> map toLower x


答案 1 :(得分:2)

With a lambda expression you'd still need to recursively check each character of the string, or you could use map which is still a recursive function that applies the function (a -> b) to every element in the list, for example:

  newList [] = []
  newList xs = (\(y:ys) -> if x `elem` ['A'..'Z'] then toLower y : newList ys else y : newList ys) xs

With map is actually much simpler due to reasons explained in the first paragraph, check mnoronha's answer as he already gave you the answer, but that's if you're thinking of using map in conjunction with toLower.

This is an example without a lambda expression, which requires you to import 2 functions from Data.Char, recursively check the rest of the string and replace each character with its lower case version.

newList :: String -> String
newList [] = []
newList (x:xs) = if x `elem` ['A'..'Z'] 
               then chr (ord x + 32) : newList xs 
               else x : newList xs  

or with guards

newList :: String -> String
newList [] = []
newList (x:xs)
    | x `elem` ['A'..'Z'] = chr (ord x + 32) : newList xs 
    | otherwise = x : newList xs 

答案 2 :(得分:0)


fix :: (a -> a) -> a
fix f = let x = f x in x

以下代码使用与此页面相同的方法:https://www.vex.net/~trebla/haskell/fix.xhtml从非lambda版本转换为lambda版本到(最终)使用fix来递归调用lambda函数而不引入新变量< / p>

import Data.Char (toLower)
import Control.Monad.Fix (fix)

main :: IO ()
main = do 
    -- calling non lambda version
    let newlist1 s = if null s then [] else toLower (head s) : newlist1 (tail s)
    print $ newlist1 "Hello"

    -- calling lambda version
    let newlist2 = \s -> if null s then [] else toLower (head s) : newlist2 (tail s)
    print $ newlist2 "Hello"

    -- defining lambda version locally
    -- ( at this point the scope of newlist3 is local to the let statement )
    print $ (let newlist3 = \s -> if null s then [] else toLower (head s) : newlist3 (tail s) in newlist3 ) "Hello"

    -- making function an argument to be called recursively
    print $ (let newlist3 = (\v -> \s -> if null s then [] else toLower (head s) : v (tail s)) newlist3 in newlist3 ) "Hello"

    -- isolating function to be "fixed".
    let f = (\v -> \s -> if null s then [] else toLower (head s) : v (tail s))
    print $ (let newlist3 =  f newlist3 in newlist3 ) "Hello"

    -- using fix = let x = f x in x
    print $ (fix f) "Hello"

    -- f2 is slightly simpler version of f
    let f2 = (\v s -> if null s then [] else toLower (head s) : v (tail s))
    print $ (fix f2) "Hello"

    -- inlining f2 to get recursive call to lambda 
    print $ (fix (\v s -> if null s then [] else toLower (head s) : v (tail s))) "Hello"