JS Canvas,动画堆栈中的图像而不是每回合后的变化

时间:2016-10-19 14:26:14

标签: javascript arrays image animation canvas


var canvas, ctx, x, y, w, e;
var brojac = 0;
var i = 0;

var images = [];
    images[0] = new Image();
    images[0].src = "https://www.a1smallbusinessmarketing.com/images/prosbo_hires.jpg";
    images[1] = new Image();
    images[1].src = "https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/f/f9/Wiktionary_small.svg/350px-Wiktionary_small.svg.png";
    images[2] = new Image();
    images[2].src ="http://www.jasonjsmith.com/img/small-business-seo.jpg";
    images[3] = new Image();
    images[3].src ="https://g.twimg.com/business/page/image/11TwitterForSmallBusiness-300_1.png";

function start_canvas() {
  function draw() {
    for (i = 0; i <= brojac; i++) {
      if (brojac == 4) {
        brojac = 0;
        i = 0;
      } else {
        ctx.drawImage(images[i], x, y);
  function draw1(w, e) {
    ctx.drawImage(images[i - 1], w, e);

  function update(time) {

    ctx.clearRect(0, 0, canvas.width, canvas.height);
    if (w >= x) {
      e += 8;
      y += 8;
    } else {
      x -= 4;
      w += 4;
    draw(x, y);
    draw1(w, e);

    if (e > canvas.height) {
      x = canvas.width - 190;
      y = 15;
      w = 1;
      e = 15;

  canvas = document.getElementById('canvas1');

  x = canvas.width - 190;
  y = 15;
  w = 1;
  e = 15;

  ctx = canvas.getContext('2d');

window.addEventListener("load", start_canvas);
<style> canvas {
  border: #666 2px solid;
<!DOCTYPE html>



  <canvas id="canvas1" width="1650" height="825" style="width: 650px; height: 330px;"></canvas>



附带问题如果我想制作,比方说,数组中的图像[0,1]只到中间而不是掉线,我可以使用switch语句还是应该使用if? 提前谢谢。

1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:1)


如果要遍历项目数组,可以使用%来获取数组索引。 %返回除数的余数。即0 % 4 == 03 % 4 == 34 % 4 == 07 % 4 == 3

Modulo (aka remainder) operator MDN


 var currentIndex = 0;
 // then to loop through the array
 currentIndex = (currentIndex + 1) % array.length;



// image names 
var imageURLS = [
// load the images
var images = imageURLS.map(url=>{var img = new Image(); img.src = url; return img});

function start_canvas() {
    var canvas = document.createElement('canvas');
    canvas.style.width = "650px"; // Note the canvas is scaled down
    canvas.style.height = "330px";
    var ctx = canvas.getContext('2d');    
    var currentImage = 0; // points to the current image being rendered
    const imageStartY = 15;  // constants for image start and speeds
    const imageStartRight = canvas.width - 190;
    const imageStartLeft = 1;
    const horizontalSpeed = 4;
    const verticalSpeed = 8;
    var leftImg = {x : imageStartLeft,y : imageStartY};  // left and right image locations
    var rightImg = {x : imageStartRight,y : imageStartY};    
    // main loop
    function update(time) {  
        ctx.clearRect(0, 0, canvas.width, canvas.height);
        if (leftImg.x >= rightImg.x) { // check if moving down
            leftImg.y += verticalSpeed;
            rightImg.y += verticalSpeed;
        } else {  // else moving towards center
            leftImg.x += horizontalSpeed;
            rightImg.x -= horizontalSpeed;
        if(images[currentImage].complete){ // make sure the current image has loaded
            ctx.drawImage(images[currentImage],leftImg.x, leftImg.y); // draw both images
            ctx.drawImage(images[currentImage],rightImg.x, rightImg.y);
        if (leftImg.y > canvas.height) { // if at bottom cycle to next image and start again
            currentImage = (currentImage + 1) % images.length; // loop image index % is modulo and returns the remainder 
            leftImg.x = imageStartLeft;
            leftImg.y = imageStartY;
            rightImg.x = imageStartRight;
            rightImg.y = imageStartY;
window.addEventListener("load", start_canvas);