Magento custom cache issue on product view page

时间:2016-10-19 13:40:01

标签: magento caching product catalog

We added the custom cache for product view page.

We rewrite the view.php file and write below code :

 * Rewriting Product View block
class XXX_YYY_Block_Catalog_Product_View extends Mage_Catalog_Block_Product_View

    protected function _construct()
         //'cache_key'   => 
            //'cache_lifetime'  => 
            'cache_tags'        => array(Mage_Catalog_Model_Product::CACHE_TAG . "_" . $this->getProduct()->getId()),

    public function getCacheKey()
        if (!$this->hasData('cache_key')) {
         $cacheKey = $this->getNameInLayout().'_STORE'.Mage::app()->getStore()->getId().'_PRODUCT'.$this->getProduct()->getId();
         //.'_'.Mage::getDesign()->getPackageName().'_'.Mage::getDesign()->getTheme('template'). //_PACKAGE_THEME ?
        return $this->getData('cache_key');

    public function getCacheLifetime()
    {   //to prevent sub-blocks caching
       if($this->getNameInLayout()!='') return null;
       //return false; //false creates default lifetime (7200)
       return 9999999999;


After the rewrite code added the add to cart functionality and global messages not working in product view page.

Help to fix this issue.


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