
时间:2016-10-19 12:01:48

标签: r ggplot2 grid r-markdown plotly


为此,我使用下面解释的方法从ggplot图表中提取图例: ggplot separate legend and plot


我尝试了grid.newpage()--- title: "Stackq" output: html_document --- ```{r setup, include=FALSE,echo=FALSE} library(plotly) library(ggplot2) library(RColorBrewer) library(grid) library(cowplot) df<-data.frame(x=runif(1000),y=runif(1000),z=rnorm(1000)) #function to extract the legend g_legend<-function(a.gplot){ tmp <- ggplot_gtable(ggplot_build(a.gplot)) leg <- which(sapply(tmp$grobs, function(x) x$name) == "guide-box") legend <- tmp$grobs[[leg]] return(legend)} ``` ```{r plotlyfig,echo=FALSE} rf <- colorRampPalette(rev(brewer.pal(11,'Spectral'))) r <- rf(32) p1 <-ggplot(df,aes(x=x,y=y,z=z))+ coord_fixed(ratio=1)+ stat_summary_hex(bins=100)+scale_fill_gradientn(colours=r)+ theme(legend.position="bottom") p1leg<-g_legend(p1) #using cowplot (the issue seems to be the same) #p1leg<-cowplot::get_legend(p1) p1<-p1+ theme(legend.position="none") #print as ggplotly ggplotly(p1) ``` ```{r standalone_leg,echo=FALSE} grid.draw(p1leg) ``` 这两个函数,但是,我真的不明白在绘制grob时会发生什么。



  var query = (from con in db.Containers
                     join v in db.Vehicles on con.cont_vehicleid equals v.vehl_VehicleID
                     join cust in db.Custom_Captions on v.vehl_state equals cust.Capt_Code
                     where cust.Capt_Family == "vehl_state" && v.vehl_Deleted == null && con.cont_Deleted == null &&
                     v.vehl_ClearanceCompany == p.pusr_CompanyId && con.cont_Name.Contains(txtContNo.Text == null ? con.cont_Name : txtContNo.Text)
                     select new
                         cont_name = con.cont_Name,
                         vehl_Name = v.vehl_Name,
                         VehicleState = v.vehl_state,
                         vehl_drivername = v.vehl_drivername,
                         vehl_entrancedate = v.vehl_entrancedate,
                         vehl_customsdec = v.vehl_customsdec,
                         cont_rampid = v.vehl_rampid

 var query2 = (from con in db.Containers
                      join v in db.Vehicles on con.cont_vehicleid equals v.vehl_VehicleID
                      join cust in db.Custom_Captions on v.vehl_state equals cust.Capt_Code
                      where cust.Capt_Family == "vehl_state" && v.vehl_Deleted == null && con.cont_Deleted == null &&
                      v.vehl_ClearanceCompany == p.pusr_CompanyId && con.cont_customdec.Contains(txtCust.Text == null ? con.cont_customdec : txtCust.Text)
                      select new
                          cont_name = con.cont_Name,
                          vehl_Name = v.vehl_Name,
                          VehicleState = v.vehl_state,
                          vehl_drivername = v.vehl_drivername,
                          vehl_entrancedate = v.vehl_entrancedate,
                          vehl_customsdec = v.vehl_customsdec,
                          cont_rampid = v.vehl_rampid

    if (txtContNo.Text != "")
        rptVehl.DataSource = query;


    if (txtCust.Text != "")
        rptVehl.DataSource = query2;


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