
时间:2016-10-18 15:51:42

标签: vba methods charts properties formatting



SC2 = ActiveWorkbook.Sheets("Volume CT").SeriesCollection.Count

For i = 1 To SC2 'Run the loop for all the data series [volume]
Debug.Print SC2 'make sure program counts correct amt of series

Dim name As String
    name = .FullSeriescollection(i).name
    Debug.Print name
End With

       'Find series names and change color for solids & area RedZone1
 resultx = InStr(1, name, x, vbTextCompare)
       'x is the variable name for the "codeWord" to look for
 Debug.Print resultx
 If resultx <> 0 Then
 With ThisWorkbook.Sheets("Volume CT").Chart.SeriesCollection(i).ChartArea.Format.Fill


    .Visible = msoTrue
    .ForeColor.RGB = Red
    .Transparency = 0
End With
End If

1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:2)

ThisWorkbook.Sheets("Volume CT") Chart个对象。 Chart对象没有.Chart成员。

如果查看 Project Explorer ,您将在 Microsoft Excel对象下看到所有工作表(和图表)以及ThisWorkbook

而不是访问ThisWorkbook.Sheets集合并对您执行Object时使用的隐式Sheets.Item getter返回的某些.Sheets("Volume CT")进行后期处理, >使用图表对象本身 - 已经是对它的全局引用,可以使用了:

Microsoft Excel objects


Properties toolwindow


With WhateverTheChartNameIs.SeriesCollection(i).ChartArea.Format.Fill


所以你现在有一个Chart2,并且想要访问一个特定的系列; SeriesCollection.Item属性返回Object,因此在不知道属性是否确实存在的情况下,不是保留点和编写代码,而是为系列声明一个变量:

Dim s As Series
Set s = Chart2.SeriesCollection(i)


With s.ChartArrea.Format.Fill

但是等等! Series没有ChartArea属性!我们到底想做什么?格式化图表的图表区域 - 为什么甚至打扰SeriesCollection呢?

With Chart2.ChartArea.Format.Fill 'notice you get IntelliSense all the way
    .Visible = msoTrue
    .ForeColor.RGB = Red
    .Transparency = 0
End With
