<!DOCTYPE html>
<#import "template.ftlh" as my>
<#assign exampleData = {"someKey" :
This is some simple value: ${some.name} // ${some.name} equals "SOME_LOADED_VALUE"
<#include "partialView.ftlh">
//someData - from external java object e.g. contains ["firstText", "secondText"]
<#list someData as data>
<#if data.description?has_content>
This is description: ${data.description}.
"otherKey" : "<p>other value</p>",
<#function selectOption find="">
<#list exampleData?keys as data>
<#if data == find>
<#assign result = exampleData[data]>
<#return result>
This is example of content
This is some simple value: SOME_LOADED_VALUE
This is example of content
This is description: firstText
This is description: secondText