
时间:2016-10-17 17:33:12

标签: python graph visualization networkx


另外,我想要更多的流程图从左到右,如this(每个点都有年份值)(或垂直),但是doesn't seem to be possible in NetworkX。任何人都可以确认吗?在我看来,线性流程图是一种常见的需求。

enter image description here


selected_nodes = [96, 64, 163, 132, 166, 138, 108, 141, 238, 50, 58, 60, 61, 223]

selected_edges = [
    (50, 58),
    (61, 64),
    (60, 64),
    (58, 96),
    (108, 132),
    (96, 141),
    (138, 163),
    (141, 163),
    (64, 166),
    (163, 223),
    (132, 238),
    (96, 238),
    (166, 238),
    (223, 238)

text_labels = {
    50: u'ALGOL 58 (IAL)',
    58: u'ALGOL 60',
    60: u'COMIT (implementation)',
    61: u'FORTRAN IV',
    64: u'SNOBOL',
    96: u'ALGOL 68 (UNESCO/IFIP standard)',
    108: u'SETL',
    132: u'ABC',
    138: u'Modula',
    141: u'Mesa',
    163: u'Modula-2',
    166: u'Icon (implementation)',
    223: u'Modula-3',
    238: u'Python'


# This visualisation creates a network graph 
# with the spring layout

import networkx as nx
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt  

G = nx.DiGraph() # Create an empty Graph


#nx.draw(G, node_color='c', edge_color='k', with_labels=True)

pos = nx.spring_layout(G)


nx.draw_networkx_nodes(G, pos, labels=True)
nx.draw_networkx_edges(G, pos, arrows=True)
#nx.draw_networkx_labels(G, pos, labels)

for p, values in pos.iteritems():
    x, y = values
    plt.text(x+0.04, y+0.02, s=text_labels[p], horizontalalignment='center')


1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:3)

The graphviz dot layout has a hierarchical layout.  If you install pygraphviz you can use it like this

import networkx as nx
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from networkx.drawing.nx_agraph import to_agraph

selected_nodes = [96, 64, 163, 132, 166, 138, 108, 141, 238, 50, 58, 60, 61, 223]

selected_edges = [
    (50, 58),
    (61, 64),
    (60, 64),
    (58, 96),
    (108, 132),
    (96, 141),
    (138, 163),
    (141, 163),
    (64, 166),
    (163, 223),
    (132, 238),
    (96, 238),
    (166, 238),
    (223, 238)

text_labels = {
    50: u'ALGOL 58 (IAL)',
    58: u'ALGOL 60',
    60: u'COMIT (implementation)',
    61: u'FORTRAN IV',
    64: u'SNOBOL',
    96: u'ALGOL 68 (UNESCO/IFIP standard)',
    108: u'SETL',
    132: u'ABC',
    138: u'Modula',
    141: u'Mesa',
    163: u'Modula-2',
    166: u'Icon (implementation)',
    223: u'Modula-3',
    238: u'Python'
G = nx.DiGraph() # Create an empty Graph

for k,v in text_labels.items():

A = to_agraph(G)

A.draw('lang_predecessors.png', prog='dot')

enter image description here