我正在尝试估计ECG信号的心率变异性的PSD。为了测试我的代码,我从fantasia ECG database中提取了R-R间隔。我已经提取了信号,可以访问here。为了计算PSD,我使用的是如下所示的welch方法:
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
from scipy.signal import welch
ibi_signal = np.loadtxt('fantasia-f1y01-RR.txt')
t = np.array(ibi_signal[:, 0]) # time index in seconds
ibi = np.array(ibi_signal[:, 1]) # the IBI in seconds
# Convert the IBI in milliseconds
ibi = ibi * 1000
# Calculate the welch estimate
Fxx, Pxx = welch(ibi, fs=4.0, window='hanning', nperseg=256, noverlap=128)
ulf = 0.003
vlf = 0.04
lf = 0.15
hf = 0.4
Fs = 250
# find the indexes corresponding to the VLF, LF, and HF bands
ulf_freq_band = (Fxx <= ulf)
vlf_freq_band = (Fxx >= ulf) & (Fxx <= vlf)
lf_freq_band = (Fxx >= vlf) & (Fxx <= lf)
hf_freq_band = (Fxx >= lf) & (Fxx <= hf)
tp_freq_band = (Fxx >= 0) & (Fxx <= hf)
# Calculate the area under the given frequency band
dy = 1.0 / Fs
ULF = np.trapz(y=abs(Pxx[ulf_freq_band]), x=None, dx=dy)
VLF = np.trapz(y=abs(Pxx[vlf_freq_band]), x=None, dx=dy)
LF = np.trapz(y=abs(Pxx[lf_freq_band]), x=None, dx=dy)
HF = np.trapz(y=abs(Pxx[hf_freq_band]), x=None, dx=dy)
TP = np.trapz(y=abs(Pxx[tp_freq_band]), x=None, dx=dy)
LF_HF = float(LF) / HF
HF_LF = float(HF) / LF
HF_NU = float(HF) / (TP - VLF)
LF_NU = float(LF) / (TP - VLF)
起初我认为输出看起来还不错。但是,当我将我的输出与Kubios(比分析HRV的软件)进行比较时,我注意到存在差异。下图显示了Kubios计算的PSD的预期值 即,这两个图在视觉上是不同的,它们的值是不同的。为了确认这一点,打印出我的数据清楚地表明我的计算错误
ULF 0.0
VLF 13.7412277853
LF 45.3602063444
HF 147.371442221
TP 239.521363002
LF_HF 0.307795090152
HF_LF 3.2489147228
HF_NU 0.652721029154
LF_NU 0.200904328012
答案 0 :(得分:7)
In [1]: dt = t[1:]-t[:-1]
In [2]: dt.mean(), np.median(dt)
Out[2]: 0.76693059125964014, 0.75600000000000023
In [3]: dt.min(), dt.max()
Out[3]: (0.61599999999998545, 1.0880000000000081)
。该参数表示给定信号的采样频率。把它放到4意味着你的时间向量应该是常规的[0, .25, .5, .75, .1, ....]
要获得PSD的正确估计,您应该使用non uniform DFT。 可以找到实现此类转换的包here。该文档对于这个包非常神秘,但您需要使用伴随方法来获得傅立叶变换而不会出现缩放问题:
N = 128 # Number of frequency you will get
M = len(t) # Number of irregular samples you have
plan = NFFT(N, M)
# Give the sample times and precompute variable for
# the NFFT algorithm.
plan.x = t
# put your signal in `plan.f` and use the `plan.adjoint`
# to compute the Fourier transform of your signal
plan.f = ibi
Fxx = plan.adjoint()
这里的估计似乎与Kubios的估计不符。估计可能是因为您对整个信号进行了psd估计。您可以尝试使用welch technique结合此nfft,通过对窗口信号进行平均估计,因为它不依赖于FFT,而是依赖于PSD的任何估计。