一个PHP MySQL错误,我无法解决

时间:2010-10-24 13:45:59

标签: php mysql

我正在玩PHP / MySQL,并尝试在线自学,但无法解决这个问题。

我一直在 http://www.keithjbrown.co.uk/vworks/php/php_p5.php





您的SQL语法有错误;   检查对应的手册   您的MySQL服务器版本   正确的语法在'WHERE附近使用   (horses.horseID =)'在第1行



我的代码如下 - 如果有人可以帮助我,我将永远感激不尽!

<title>Horses | Horse Database</title>



if (!$_REQUEST['Submit']) {
} elseif ($_REQUEST['Submit'] == "View Horse") {
} elseif ($_REQUEST['Submit'] == "Edit") {
} elseif ($_REQUEST['Submit'] == "Update") {

function my_conn() {

/* sets the variables for MySQL connection */

$server = "***"; // this is the server address and port
$username = "***"; // this is the mysql username
$password = "***"; // this is the mysql password

/* connects to the MySQL server */

$link = @mysql_connect ($server, $username, $password)
or die (mysql_error());

/* defines the active database for the connection */

if (!@mysql_select_db("tashorse_tasform", $link)) {

 echo "<p>There has been an error.  This is the error message:</p>";
 echo "<p><strong>" . mysql_error() . "</strong></p>";
 echo "Please contact your systems administrator with the details";


return $link;


function html_form() {


<p>Please enter the search term for the horse</p>

<form name="horsesearch" method="post" action="<? echo $_SERVER['PHP_SELF']; ?>">
Name of horse: <input type="text" name="horse_name">
<input type="submit" name="Submit" value="View Horse" />



function select_horse() {
<h4>Horse Search</h4>

$conn = my_conn();

/* Sets the SQL Query */

$sql = "SELECT * FROM horses";
$sql .= " WHERE (horses.horse_name = '{$_POST['horse_name']}')";

/* Passes a Query to the Active Database */

$result = mysql_query($sql, $conn);
if (!$result) {
 echo("<p>Error performing query: " . mysql_error() . "</p>");

/* starts the table and creates headings */


<td><strong>Horse Name</strong></td>
<td><strong>Year Foaled</strong></td>

/* retrieves the rows from the query result set and puts them into
a HTML table row */

while ($row = mysql_fetch_array($result, MYSQL_ASSOC)) {
 echo("<tr><td>" . $row["horse_name"] . "</td>");
 echo("<td>" . $row["year_foaled"] . "</td>");
 echo("<td>" . $row["trainer"] . "</td>");
 echo("<td>" . $row["owners"] . "</td>");
 echo("<td>" . $row["silks"] . "</td>");
 echo("<td><a href=\"" . $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'] . "?horseID=" .$row['horseID'] . "&Submit=Edit\">Edit</a></td></tr>");

/* closes the table */

/* closes connection to the MySQL server */

mysql_close ($conn);

/* Displays HTML Form */


function get_data() {

/* Calls our connection function */

$conn = my_conn();

/* Defines query */

$sql = "SELECT * FROM horses WHERE (horses.horseID = " . $_REQUEST['horseID'] . ")";

/* Passes query to database */

$result = mysql_query($sql, $conn);
if (!$result) {
 echo("<p>Error performing query: " . mysql_error() . "</p>");

/* creates our row array with an if statement to report errors */

if ($row = @mysql_fetch_array($result, MYSQL_ASSOC)) {

/* prints out the horse name */

print "<h4>$row[horse_name]</h4>";

/* prints out our HTML form '\"' */

print "<form name=\"horseupdate\" method=\"post\" action=\"$_SERVER[PHP_SELF]\">";

/* prints out our HTML table and fields 'escaping' any double quotes '\"' */

print "<table width=\"600\">

<td width=\"150\"><strong>Horse Name</strong></td>
<td width=\"350\"><input type=\"hidden\" name=\"horse_name\" value=\"$row[horse_name]\"></td>
<td rowspan=\"5\" valign=\"top\">
<input type=\"submit\" name=\"Submit\" value=\"Update\">

<td width=\"150\"><strong>Year Foaled</strong></td> 
<td width=\"350\"><input type=\"text\" size =\"4\" name=\"year_foaled\" value=\"$row[year_foaled]\"></td> 

<td width=\"150\"><strong>Trainer</strong></td> 
<td width=\"350\"><input type=\"text\" size =\"40\" name=\"trainer\" value=\"$row[trainer]\"></td> 

<td width=\"150\"><strong>Owners</strong></td> 
<td width=\"350\"><input type=\"text\" size =\"40\" name=\"owners\" value=\"$row[owners]\"></td> 

<td width=\"150\"><strong>Silks</strong></td> 
<td width=\"350\"><input type=\"text\" size =\"40\" name=\"silks\" value=\"$row[silks]\"></td> 


} else {
 echo("There has been an error" . mysql_error());

/* closes connection */

mysql_close ($conn);


function update_horse() {

/* Calls our connection function */

$conn = my_conn();

/* Defines query */

$sql_update = "UPDATE horses SET ";
$sql_update .= "horses.year_foaled = '" . $_REQUEST['year_foaled'] . "', ";
$sql_update .= "horses.trainer = '" . $_REQUEST['trainer'] . "', ";
$sql_update .= "horses.owners = '" . $_REQUEST['owners'] . "', ";
$sql_update .= "horses.silks = '" . $_REQUEST['silks'] . "', ";
$sql_update .= "WHERE (horses.horseID = " . $_REQUEST['horseID'] . ")";

/* Passes query to database */

$result = mysql_query($sql_update, $conn);
if (!$result) {
 echo("<p>Error performing query: " . mysql_error() . "</p>");

/* Prints success message */

print "<p> Successfully Updated</p>";

/* closes connection */

mysql_close ($conn);

/* Calls get_data() function */





4 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:2)

您的更新表单没有name =“horseID”的元素,您的更新功能正在尝试使用该元素来指定要更新的马。你虽然有一个隐藏的名字字段!

答案 1 :(得分:1)

看起来horseID变量尚未在发布到更新脚本的表单中设置,如果输出SQL查询,您可以轻松地看到这一点。在使用mysql_real_escape_string并使用$_GET$_POST优先于$_REQUEST的查询中使用变量之前,您还需要仔细检查变量。如果这是基于一个教程 - 你真的应该使用另一个教程,因为在你的代码中有太多不好的做法,它实际上非常可怕

答案 2 :(得分:1)

调试此类问题时要做的第一件事:确切地找出您要执行的SQL语句。在实际执行之前放置echo $sql_update并确保它正在执行您想要的操作。然后,您可以开始追踪问题所在。

'Bobby Tables'的评论是有人试图告诉你,你还需要逃避用户输入。使用mysql_real_escape_string确保用户输入不能用于攻击您的网站。

答案 3 :(得分:1)


<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"horse_name\" value=\"$row[horse_name]\">

<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"horseID\" value=\"$row[horseID]\">
