软件包在Chapter 3 of Reinforced Concrete: A Fundamental Approach by Edward G. Nawy复制第32页的表3.2。
install.load::load_package("data.table", "htmlTable")
# Table 3.2 Approximate mixing water and air content for different slumps
# and Nominal maximum sizes of aggregate
water_nonair <- data.table(V1 = c("1 to 2", "3 to 4", "6 to 7",
"Approximate amount of entrapped air in nonair- entrained concrete (%)"),
V2 = c(350, 385, 410, 3), V3 = c(335, 365, 385, 2.5), V4 = c(315, 340, 360, 2),
V5 = c(300, 325, 340, 1.5), V6 = c(275, 300, 315, 1), V7 = c(260, 285, 300, 0.5),
V8 = c(220, 245, 270, 0.3), V9 = c(190, 210, 0, 0.2))
setnames(water_nonair, c("Slump (in.)", "3/8 in.", "1/2 in.", "3/4 in.",
"1 in.", "1 1/2 in.", "2 in.", "3 in.", "6 in."))
water_air <- data.table(V1 = c("1 to 2", "3 to 4", "6 to 7"), V2 = c(305, 340,
365), V3 = c(295, 325, 345), V4 = c(280, 305, 325), V5 = c(270, 295, 310),
V6 = c(250, 275, 290), V7 = c(240, 265, 290), V8 = c(205, 225, 280),
V9 = c(180, 200, 0))
setnames(water_air, c("Slump (in.)", "3/8 in.", "1/2 in.", "3/4 in.",
"1 in.", "1 1/2 in.", "2 in.", "3 in.", "6 in."))
avg_air_content <- data.table(V1 = c("Recommended average total air content
(percent for level of exposure)", "Mild exposure", "Moderate Exposure",
"Extreme exposure"), V2 = c("", 4.5, 6, 7.5), V3 = c("", 4, 5.5, 7),
V4 = c("", 3.5, 5, 6), V5 = c("", 3, 4.5, 6), V6 = c("", 2.5, 4.5, 5.5),
V7 = c("", 2, 4, 5), V8 = c("", 1.5, 3.5, 4.5), V9 = c("", 1, 3, 4))
setnames(avg_air_content, c("Slump (in.)", "3/8 in.", "1/2 in.", "3/4 in.",
"1 in.", "1 1/2 in.", "2 in.", "3 in.", "6 in."))
结合3 data.tables:
water <- rbind(water_nonair, water_air, avg_air_content)
htmlTable(water, rnames = FALSE, caption = "Table 3.2
Approximate mixing water and air content for different slumps and Nominal
maximum sizes of aggregate", cgroup = rbind(c("", "Water (lb/yd^3
of Concrete for Indicated Nominal Maximum Sizes of Aggregate)", NA),
c("Nonair-Entrained Concrete", "Air Entrained Concrete")),
n.cgroup = rbind(c(1, 2, NA), c(3, 3, 3)), align = "lcc",
tfoot = c("^a These quantities of mixing water are for use in computing cement factors for
trial batches. They are maximal for reasonably well shaped angular coarse aggregates graded
within limits of accepted specifications.", "^b The slump values for concrete containing
aggregate larger than 1 ½ in. are based on slump tests made after removal of particles
larger than 1 ½ in. by wet screening."))
Irucka Embry
答案 0 :(得分:0)
l <- list(water_nonair = water_nonair,
water_air = water_air,
avg_air_content = avg_air_content)
htmlTable(do.call('rbind', l), rnames = FALSE, align = 'lc',
caption = "Table 3.2 Approximate mixing water and air content for
different slumps and Nominal maximum sizes of aggregate",
tspanner = c("Nonair-Entrained Concrete", "Air Entrained Concrete",
'Average Air Content'),
n.tspanner = sapply(l, nrow), n.cgroup = ncol(l[[1]]),
cgroup = "Water (lb/yd<sup>3</sup> of Concrete for Indicated Nominal
Maximum Sizes of Aggregate)",
css.tspanner = "font-style: italic; text-align: center;",
css.tspanner.sep = "")
water <- do.call('rbind', l)
colnames(water) <- gsub('(\\d)/(\\d)', '&frac\\1\\2;', colnames(water))
htmlTable(water, ...)
的位置,但您也可以使用html字符作为脚注 - 两个常见的字符:
tfoot = c("<sup>†</sup> 1 in. = 25.4 mm",
"<sup>‡</sup> May be increased by 1 in. for methods
of consolidation other than vibration.")