# initialize a global output vector and a global vector of data frames
createNeuralNet <- function(numberOfInputNodes,hiddenLayers,nodesInHiddenLayer){
L <<- initializeWeightDataFrames(numberOfInputNodes,nodesInHiddenLayer,hiddenLayers)
# print(L)
OutputList <<- initializeOutputVectors(hiddenLayers)
# creates a list of weight data frames
# each weight data frame uses the row as an index of the "tail" for a connection
# the "head" of the connection (where the arrow points) is in the column index
# the value in the weight data frame is the weight of that connection
# the last row is the weight between the bias and a particular node
initializeWeightDataFrames <- function(numberOfInputNodes, nodesPerHiddenLayer, numberOfHiddenLayers) {
weights <- vector("list", numberOfHiddenLayers + 1)
# this code simply creates empty data frames of the proper size so that they may
first <- read.csv(text=generateColumnNamesCSV(nodesPerHiddenLayer))
middle <- read.csv(text=generateColumnNamesCSV(nodesPerHiddenLayer))
# assume binary classifier, so output layer has 1 node
last <- read.csv(text=generateColumnNamesCSV(1))
first <- assignWeights(first, numberOfInputNodes + 1)
weights[[1]] <- first
# assign random weights to each row
if (numberOfHiddenLayers != 1) {
for (i in 1:numberOfHiddenLayers - 1) {
middle <- assignWeights(middle, nodesPerHiddenLayer + 1)
weights[[i+1]] <- middle
last <- assignWeights(last, nodesPerHiddenLayer + 1)
weights[[length(weights)]] <- last
# generate a comma-separated string of column names c1 thru cn for creating arbitrary size data frame
generateColumnNamesCSV <- function(n) {
namesCSV <- ""
if (n==1) {
for (i in 1:(n-1)) {
namesCSV <- paste0(namesCSV, "c", i, ",")
namesCSV <- paste0(namesCSV, "c", n)
assignWeights <- function(weightDF, numRows) {
modifiedweightDF <- weightDF
for (rowNum in 1:numRows) {
# creates a bunch of random numbers from -1 to 1, used to populate a row
rowVector <- runif(length(weightDF))
for (i in 1:length(rowVector)) {
sign <- (-1)^round(runif(1))
rowVector[i] <- sign * rowVector[i]
modifiedweightDF[rowNum,] <- rowVector
# create an empty list of the right size, will hold vectors of node outputs in the future
initializeOutputVectors <- function(numberOfHiddenLayers) {
numberOfLayers <- numberOfHiddenLayers + 1
outputVectors <- vector("list", numberOfLayers)
# this is the main loop that does feed-forward and back prop
trainNeuralNet <- function(trainingData,target,iterations){
count <- 0
# iterations is a constant for how many times the dataset should be iterated through
for(row in 1:nrow(trainingData)) { # for each row in the data set
#Feed Forward
# instance is the current row that's being looked at
instance <- trainingData[row,]
# print(instance)
for (l in 1:length(L)) { # for each weight data frame
# w is the current weights
w <- L[[l]]
Output <- rep(NA, length(w))
if (l!=1) {
# x is the values in the previous layer
# can't access the previous layer if you're on the first layer
x <- OutputList[[l-1]]
for (j in 1:ncol(w)) { # for each node j in the "head" layer
s <- 0
for (i in 1:(nrow(w)-1)) {
# calculate the weighted sum s of connection weights and node values
# this is used to calculate a node in the next layer
# check the instance if on the first layer
if (l==1) {
# print(i)
# print(instance[1,i])
# i+1 skips over the target column
s <- s + instance[1,i+1]*w[i,j]
# print(s)
# if the layer is 2 or more
# print(i)
# print(w)
# print(w[i,j])
s <- s + x[i]*w[i,j] # weighted sum
# sigmoid activation function value for node j
s <- s + w[nrow(w),j] # add weighted bias
# print("s")
# print(s)
# print("sigmoid s")
# print(sigmoid(s))
Output[j] <- sigmoid(s)
OutputList[[l]] <- Output
# print(OutputList)
# print("w")
# print(L)
# print("BAck prop Time")
#Back Propagation
out <- OutputList[length(OutputList)]
outputError <- rep(NA, length(w))
outputErrorPresent <- rep(NA, length(w))
outputError[1] <- out[[1]]*(1-out[[1]])*(out[[1]]-target[row])
for (h in (length(L)):1) { # for each weight matrix in hidden area h (going backwards)
hiddenOutput <- OutputList[h]
if (row==1||row==2) {
# print("h")
# print(h)
# print("output error Present")
# print(outputErrorPresent)
if (h!=(length(L))) {
outputError <- outputErrorPresent
w <- L[[h]]
for (j in 1:(nrow(w))) { # for each node j in hidden layer h
#print("length w")
if (row==1||row==2) {
# print("j")
# print(j)
errSum <- 0
nextLayerNodes <- L[[h]]
# print(nextLayerNodes)
for (k in 1:ncol(nextLayerNodes)) {
errSum <- errSum + outputError[k]*nextLayerNodes[j,k]
m <- 0
if (h == 1) {
m <- as.numeric(instance)
m <- m[-1]
} else {
m <- OutputList[h-1][[1]]
deltaWeight <- 0
for (k in 1:ncol(nextLayerNodes)) {
hiddenNodeError <- hiddenOutput[[1]][k]*(1- hiddenOutput[[1]][k])*errSum
if (j == nrow(w)) {
deltaWeight <- learningRate*hiddenNodeError
} else {
deltaWeight <- learningRate*hiddenNodeError*m[j]
# print(deltaWeight)
w[j,k] <- w[j,k] + deltaWeight
if (j != nrow(w)) {
outputErrorPresent[j] <- hiddenNodeError
L[[h]] <<- w
# print(OutputList)
count <- count +1
# print(L)
#calculate global error
# print("w")
sigmoid <- function(s){
sig <- 1/(1+exp(-s))
testNeuralNetwork <- function(testingData,testTarget){
correctCount <- 0
# run the same code as feed forward
# this time run it on testing examples and compare the outputs
for(row in 1:nrow(testingData)) { # for each test instance
#Feed Forward
instance <- testingData[row,]
for (l in 1:length(L)) { # for each layer l
w <- L[[l]]
Output <- rep(NA, length(w))
if (l!=1) {
x <- OutputList[[l-1]]
for (j in 1:ncol(w)) { # for each node j in layer l
s <- 0
for (i in 1:(nrow(w)-1)) {
if (l==1) {
# i+1 skips over the target column
s <- s + instance[1,i+1]*w[i,j]
# print(s)
# print(i)
# print(w)
# print(w[i,j])
s <- s + x[i]*w[i,j] # weighted sum
# sigmoid activation function value for node j
s <- s + w[nrow(w),j] # add weighted bias
Output[j] <- sigmoid(s)
OutputList[[l]] <- Output
# print(OutputList)
outputVal <- threshold(OutputList[[length(OutputList)]])
if (outputVal==testTarget[row]) {
print(paste0(" ", outputVal, " Correct!"))
correctCount <- correctCount + 1
print(paste0(" ", outputVal, " Wrong."))
#print(paste0("s2 ",str))
# convert real-valued output to a binary classification
threshold <- function(value){
if (value>=0.5) {
# this modifies df by removing 30 random rows
# this means that the same df will be changed permanently, so be careful of that
# it also returns the 30 random rows as a test set
makeTestSet <- function(df, size) {
len <- 1:length(df[,1])
randRows <- sample(len, size, replace=F)
Data <- read.csv(file = "Downloads/numericHouse-votes-84.csv", head = TRUE, sep = ",")
learningRate <<- 0.1
# assume that the first column of the data is the column that is to be predicted
# thus the number of inputs is 1 less than the number of columnns
numberOfInputNodes <- ncol(Data) - 1
randRows <- makeTestSet(Data,30) #change this to 30
testData <- Data[randRows,]
trainingData <- Data[-randRows,]
testTarget <- testData[,1]
#trainingData <- Data[,1:numberOfInputNodes]
trainingTarget <- trainingData[,1]
iterations <- 100