我尝试将转换器Markdown写入BBCode以获得Sublime Text 我的完整代码 - https://github.com/Kristinita/1Sasha1MarkdownNoBBCode/blob/master/MarkdownToBBCode.py :
# Base on codes:
# https://gist.github.com/sma/1513929
# https://github.com/m3mnoch/MarkdownToBBCode/blob/master/MarkdownToBBCode.py
import sublime, sublime_plugin
import re, sys
class MarkdowntobbcodeCommand(sublime_plugin.TextCommand):
def run(self, edit):
allcontent = sublime.Region(0, self.view.size())
regionString = self.markdown_to_bbcode(str(self.view.substr(allcontent)))
self.view.replace(edit, allcontent, regionString)
def markdown_to_bbcode(self,s):
def translate(p="%s", g=1):
def inline(m):
s = m.group(g)
# Headers
s = re.sub(r"^#\s+(.*?)\s*$", "[h1]\\1[/h1]", s) # # Header first level
s = re.sub(r"^##\s+(.*?)\s*$", "[h2]\\1[/h2]", s) # ## Header second level
s = re.sub(r"^###\s+(.*?)\s*$", "[h3]\\1[/h3]", s) # ### Header third level
s = re.sub(r"^####\s+(.*?)\s*$", "[h4]\\1[/h4]", s)# #### Header fourth level
# Lists
s = re.sub(r"(?m)^[-+*]\s+(.*)$", translate("№[list]\n[*]%s\n[/list]"), s) # + Marked + List
s = re.sub(r"(?m)^\d+\.\s+(.*)$", translate("№[list=1]\n[*]%s\n[/list]"), s) # 1. Numbered 2. List
# Quote
s = re.sub(r"^> (.*)$", "[quote]\\1[/quote]", s) # > Quote
# Thematic break
s = re.sub(r"^-{3}(\s*)$", "[hr]", s)
return p % s
return inline
# URL and images
s = re.sub(r"!\[(.*?)\]\((.*?)\)", "[img]\\2[/img]", s) # ![IMG description](URL of image), alt attribute not supported in many forums
s = re.sub(r"\[(.*?)\]\((.*?)\)", "[url=\\2]\\1[/url]", s)# [URL description](URL link)
s = re.sub(r"<(https?:\S+)>", "[url]\\1[/url]", s) # <URL>
# Code
s = re.sub(r"`{3}([^`]+)`{3}", "[code]\\1[/code]", s)# ```Multiline\n\code```
s = re.sub(r"`([^`]+)`", "[code]\\1[/code]", s) # `Code`
s = re.sub(r"(?m)^ {4}(.*)$", "№[code]\\1[/code]", s)# Code fragment after 4 spaces
s = re.sub(r"(?m)^\t(.*)$", "№[code]\\1[/code]", s) # Code fragment after tab
# Bold and italic
s = re.sub(r"_{2}([\s\S]+?)_{2}", "[b]\\1[/b]", s) # __Bold__
s = re.sub(r"_([^_]+?)_", "[i]\\1[/i]", s) # _Italic_ Needs hack (?<=\s), because _ symbol often use in URLs
s = re.sub(r"\*{2}([\s\S]+?)\*{2}", "[b]\\1[/b]", s)# **Bold**
s = re.sub(r"\*([^\*]+?)\*", "[i]\\1[/i]", s) # *Italic*.
# Strikethrough text
s = re.sub(r"~{2}([\s\S]+?)~{2}", "[s]\\1[\s]", s)
# Dependencies. Not delete these lines!
s = re.sub(r"(?m)^((?!№).*)$", translate(), s)
s = re.sub(r"(?m)^№\[", "[", s)
s = re.sub(r"\[/code]\n\[code(=.*?)?]", "\n", s)
s = re.sub(r"\[/list]\n\[list(=1)?]\n", "", s)
s = re.sub(r"\[/quote]\n\[quote]", "\n", s)
return s
对话示例: https://github.com/Kristinita/1Sasha1MarkdownNoBBCode 。
,*inaccessible height*
转换为[i]inaccessible height[/i]
(由于技术原因,我在此问题的某些地方将反引号替换为撇号 - '
[Sasha fantastic](http://example.com#example_url)
Example* of code
*Sasha* the _best_!
[url=http://example.com#example_url]Sasha fantastic[/url]
Example* of code
[i]Sasha[/i] the [i]best[/i]!
[url=http://example.com#example[i]url]Sasha fantastic[/url]
Example[i] of code
[/i]Sasha* the [/i]best_!
s = re.sub(r"'{3}([^']+)'{3}", "[code]\\1[/code]", s)
s = re.sub(r"\[(.*?)\]\((.*?)\)", "[url=\\2]\\1[/url]", s)
答案 0 :(得分:0)
# Base on codes:
# https://gist.github.com/sma/1513929
# https://github.com/m3mnoch/MarkdownToBBCode/blob/master/MarkdownToBBCode.py
import sublime, sublime_plugin
import re, sys
class MarkdowntobbcodeCommand( sublime_plugin.TextCommand ):
You cannot parse the whole conversion from Markdown to BB Code only with regex.
Fixed several conversion bugs involving *Italic*, **Bold**, ***Bold-Italic***, etc. Issues:
Fix issue `Disallow regular expression conversion between some tags`
Initial release by `Kristinita`.
codeBlock = []
codeBlock.append( "```([^`]+)```" ) # ```Multiline\n\code```
codeBlock.append( "`([^`]+)`" ) # `Code`
codeBlock.append( "(?m)^\t(.*)$" ) # Code fragment after tab
codeBlock.append( "(?m)^ {4}(.*)$" ) # Code fragment after 4 spaces
# Notice: `alt` attribute not supported in many forums.
imageRegex = "!\[(.*?)\]\((.*?)\)" # ![IMG description](URL of image)
urlRegex = "<(https?:\S+)>" # <URL>
urlAndLinkRegex = "\[(.*?)\]\((.*?)\)" # [URL description](URL link)
def run( self, edit ):
allcontent = sublime.Region( 0, self.view.size() )
self.sourceCode = str( self.view.substr( allcontent ) )
self.view.replace( edit, allcontent, self.markdown_to_bbcode() )
def markdown_to_bbcode( self ):
def translate( formattingRule = "%s", targetGroup = 1 ):
# Here is a closure in python:
def makeInc(x):
def inc(y):
# x is "closed" in the definition of inc
return y + x
return inc
inc5 = makeInc(5)
inc10 = makeInc(10)
inc5 (5) # returns 10
inc10(5) # returns 15
@param formattingRule, is a string format for the `%` parsing.
@param targetGroup , is the group to retrieve from the `matchObject`.
@return a function pointer.
# print( "( translate ) targetGroup: {0}, sourceCode: {1}".format( targetGroup, self.sourceCode ) )
def inline( matchObject ):
Recursive function called by the `re.sub` for every non-overlapping occurrence of the pattern.
@param matchObject, an `sre.SRE_Match object` match object.
self.sourceCode = matchObject.group( targetGroup )
# print( "( inline ) Receiving sourceCode as: `{0}`".format( self.sourceCode ) )
# Headers
self.sourceCode = re.sub( r"^#\s+(.*?)\s*$" , "[h1]\\1[/h1]", self.sourceCode ) # Header first level
self.sourceCode = re.sub( r"^##\s+(.*?)\s*$" , "[h2]\\1[/h2]", self.sourceCode ) ## Header second level
self.sourceCode = re.sub( r"^###\s+(.*?)\s*$" , "[h3]\\1[/h3]", self.sourceCode ) ### Header third level
self.sourceCode = re.sub( r"^####\s+(.*?)\s*$", "[h4]\\1[/h4]", self.sourceCode ) #### Header fourth level
# + Marked + List
self.sourceCode = re.sub( r"(?m)^[-+*]\s+(.*)$", translate("№[list]\n[*]%s\n[/list]") , self.sourceCode )
# 1. Numbered 2. List
self.sourceCode = re.sub( r"(?m)^\d+\.\s+(.*)$", translate("№[list=1]\n[*]%s\n[/list]"), self.sourceCode )
# > Quote
self.sourceCode = re.sub(r"^> (.*)$", "[quote]\\1[/quote]", self.sourceCode)
# Thematic break
self.sourceCode = re.sub(r"^-{3}(\s*)$", "[hr]", self.sourceCode)
# Format the `sourceCode` into to `formattingRule` with the `%` formatting rule.
# print( "( inline ) Leaving sourceCode as: `{0}`".format( formattingRule % self.sourceCode ) )
return formattingRule % self.sourceCode
# The `inline` function is effectively an anonymous function here, since the variable scope in which
# it was created is no longer accessible to the caller.
# See:
# http://ynniv.com/blog/2007/08/closures-in-python.html
# http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6629876/how-to-make-an-anonymous-function-in-python-without-christening-it
return inline
# It re-uses several regexes, then it is needed to parse this before all the others,
# because it needs several hacks (?<=\s), as `_` symbol often use in URLs.
self.singleTagContextParser( r"\*\*[^ \n]([^\*]+?)[^ \n](?=\*\*)" , "b", 2 ) # **Bold**
self.singleTagContextParser( r"{0}[^ \n]([^{0}]+?)[^ \n](?={0})".format( "\*" ), "i", 1 ) # *Italic*
self.singleTagContextParser( r"__[^ \n]([^_]+?)[^ \n](?=__)" , "b", 2 ) # __Bold__
self.singleTagContextParser( r"{0}[^ \n]([^{0}]+?)[^ \n](?={0})".format( "_" ), "i", 1 ) # _Italic_
self.singleTagContextParser( r"~~[^ \n]([\s\S]+?)[^ \n](?=~~)" , "s", 2 ) # ~Strikethrough~
# Code
self.sourceCode = re.sub( r"{0}".format( self.codeBlock[ 0 ] ), "[code]\\1[/code]" , self.sourceCode )
self.sourceCode = re.sub( r"{0}".format( self.codeBlock[ 1 ] ), "[code]\\1[/code]" , self.sourceCode )
self.sourceCode = re.sub( r"{0}".format( self.codeBlock[ 2 ] ), "№[code]\\1[/code]", self.sourceCode )
self.sourceCode = re.sub( r"{0}".format( self.codeBlock[ 3 ] ), "№[code]\\1[/code]", self.sourceCode )
# URL and images.
self.sourceCode = re.sub( r"{0}".format( self.imageRegex ), "[img]\\2[/img]" , self.sourceCode )
self.sourceCode = re.sub( r"{0}".format( self.urlRegex ), "[url]\\1[/url]" , self.sourceCode )
self.sourceCode = re.sub( r"{0}".format( self.urlAndLinkRegex ), "[url=\"\\2\"]\\1[/url]", self.sourceCode )
# Dependencies. Not delete these lines!
# Clean the file using the flag symbol `№` indications.
# Enters on multiline mode `(?m)`, and asserts a line start `^` with `№` 0 or more times
# not following it, until the end of the line `$`, i.e., passes a function pointer to
# `inline`, and call it for every line which does not start with `№`.
self.sourceCode = re.sub( r"(?m)^((?!№).*)$", translate(), self.sourceCode )
self.sourceCode = re.sub( r"(?m)^№\[" , "[" , self.sourceCode )
self.sourceCode = re.sub( r"\[/code]\n\[code(=.*?)?]", "\n", self.sourceCode )
self.sourceCode = re.sub( r"\[/list]\n\[list(=1)?]\n", "" , self.sourceCode )
self.sourceCode = re.sub( r"\[/quote]\n\[quote]" , "\n", self.sourceCode )
return self.sourceCode
def singleTagContextParser( self, regexExpression, bbCodeTag, replacementSize = 1 ):
Valid entrances are:
_start without space between the _ and the first and last word.
multilines are allowed. But one empty line get out the italic mode._
But is does not have effect inside code blocks, neither URL's.
# self.sourceCode = re.sub( r"_([^_]+?)_" , "[i]\\1[/i]", self.sourceCode )
# for index in range( 0, len( self.sourceCode ) ):
# Used to count how many iterations are necessary on the worst case scenario.
matchesIterator = re.finditer( regexExpression, self.sourceCode )
# The exclusion pattern to remove wrong blocks from being parsed.
nextSearchPosition = 0
exceptionRegex = self.createRegexExceptoin()
# Iterate until all the initial matches list to finish.
for element in matchesIterator:
# To perform a new search on the new updated string.
match = re.search( regexExpression, self.sourceCode[ nextSearchPosition : ] )
# Exit the parsing iteration when not more matches are found.
if match is None:
# print( "( singleTagContextParser ) Match: {0}".format( match.group( 0 ) ) )
startIndex = match.start( 0 )
endIndex = match.end( 0 )
startIndex = startIndex + nextSearchPosition
endIndex = endIndex + nextSearchPosition
nextSearchPosition = startIndex + replacementSize
# print( "nextSearchPosition: {0}".format( nextSearchPosition ) )
if self.isWhereItMustNotToBe( startIndex, endIndex, exceptionRegex ):
if endIndex + replacementSize > len( self.sourceCode ):
self.sourceCode = self.sourceCode[ 0 : startIndex ] \
+ "[{0}]".format( bbCodeTag ) \
+ self.sourceCode[ startIndex + replacementSize : endIndex ] \
+ "[/{0}]".format( bbCodeTag )
self.sourceCode = self.sourceCode[ 0 : startIndex ] \
+ "[{0}]".format( bbCodeTag ) \
+ self.sourceCode[ startIndex + replacementSize : endIndex ] \
+ "[/{0}]".format( bbCodeTag ) \
+ self.sourceCode[ endIndex + replacementSize : ]
def createRegexExceptoin( self ):
exceptionRegex = ""
exceptionRegex += "(" + self.codeBlock[ 0 ] + ")"
exceptionRegex += "|(" + self.codeBlock[ 1 ] + ")"
exceptionRegex += "|(" + self.codeBlock[ 2 ] + ")"
exceptionRegex += "|(" + self.codeBlock[ 3 ] + ")"
exceptionRegex += "|(" + self.imageRegex + ")"
exceptionRegex += "|(" + self.urlRegex + ")"
exceptionRegex += "|(" + self.urlAndLinkRegex + ")"
return exceptionRegex
def isWhereItMustNotToBe( self, startIndex, endIndex, exceptionRegex ):
Valid entrances are:
_start without space between the _ and the first and last word.
multilines are allowed. But one empty line get out the italic mode._
But is does not have effect inside code blocks, neither URL's.
matchesIterator = re.finditer( r"{0}".format( exceptionRegex ), self.sourceCode )
for match in matchesIterator:
# print( "( isWhereItMustNotToBe ) Match: {0}".format( match.group( 0 ) ) )
matchStart = match.start( 0 )
matchEnd = match.end( 0 )
if ( ( matchStart <= startIndex ) and ( startIndex <= matchEnd ) ) \
or ( ( matchStart <= endIndex ) and ( endIndex <= matchEnd ) ):
# print( "( isWhereItMustNotToBe ) Returning true." )
return True
return False