c ++ cplex访问当前解决方案以添加约束

时间:2016-10-14 16:02:42

标签: c++ cplex

我正在尝试使用C ++和Concert Technology在CPLEX中解决LP模型。

我想实现需要在当前解决方案中查询我的两个变量的值的约束(更具体的地图消除约束): 变量数组xvar表示边缘,yvar表示节点。




    // Step 2: Construct the necessary CPLEX objects and the LP model
IloCplex solver(env);

std::cout<< "Original Graph g: " <<std::endl;
std::cout<< net.g() <<std::endl;
MCFModel model(env, net);

// Step 3: Load the model into cplex and solve

// Step 4: Extract the solution from the solver
if(solver.getStatus() != IloAlgorithm::Optimal) throw "Could not solve to optimality!";
IloNumArray xsol ( env, net.g().nEdges() );
IloNumArray ysol ( env, net.g().nNodes() );
IloNumArray rsol ( env, net.g().nGroups() );
IloNumArray wisol ( env, net.g().nGroups() );
IloNum ksol;
NumMatrix wsol ( env, net.g().nGroups());

for(IloInt i = 0; i < net.g().nGroups(); i++){
wsol[i] = IloNumArray( env, net.g().nGroups() );

solver.getValues(xsol, model.xvar());
solver.getValues(ysol, model.yvar());
solver.getValues(rsol, model.rvar());
solver.getValues(wisol, model.wivar());

for (IloInt i = 0; i < net.g().nGroups(); i++){
    wsol[i] = wisol;

// Step 5: Print the solution.


    //build subset constraint y(S) -x(E(S))>= y_i 
    void MCFModel::buildSubsetCons(){
    IloExpr lhs(m_env);
    IloCplex cplex(m_env);
    IloNumArray xtemp ( m_env, m_net.g().nEdges() );
    IloNumArray ytemp ( m_env, m_net.g().nNodes() );

    std::vector<Edge> mg_twin;
    std::vector<int> mg_weights;
    int mg_s;
    int mg_t;
    SGraph mgraph;
    std::vector<int> f;
    int nOrigEdges = m_net.g().nEdges();
    int nOrigNodes = m_net.g().nNodes();

    cplex.getValues(xtemp, m_xvar);
    cplex.getValues(ytemp, m_yvar);

    mgraph = m_net.g().mod_graph();
    mg_s = mgraph.nNodes()-1;
    mg_t = mgraph.nNodes();

    std::cout<<"modified graph:"<<std::endl;

    // fill the weight of original edges with 1/2*x_e
    foreach_edge(e, m_net.g()){
    // fill the weight of the edges from artificial source with zero
    for(int i=0; i<m_net.g().nNodes(); i++){

    // fill the weight of the edges to artificial sink with f(i)
    // first step: calculate f(i):
    foreach_node(i, m_net.g()){
    foreach_adj_edge(e, i, m_net.g()){
      f[i] = f[i] + xtemp[e->idx()];
    f[i] = (-1)*f[i]/2;
    f[i] = f[i] + ytemp[i];
    // second step: fill the weights vector with it
    for(int i=0; i<m_net.g().nNodes(); i++){

    // calculate the big M = abs(sum_(i in N) f(i))
    int M;
    foreach_node(i, m_net.g()){
        M = M + abs(f[i]);

    // Build the twin vector of the not artificial edges for mgraph
    mg_twin.resize(2*nOrigEdges + 2*nOrigNodes);

    for(int i=0; i < nOrigEdges ; ++i){
      mg_twin[i] = mgraph.edges()[nOrigEdges + i];
      mg_twin[nOrigEdges + i] = mgraph.edges()[i];

    //Start the PreflowPush for every node in the original graph
      foreach_node(v, m_net.g()){
    // "contract" the edge between s and v
    // this equals to higher the weights of the edge (s,v) to a big value M
    // weight of the edge from v to s lies in mg_weights[edges of original graph + index of node v]
    mg_weights[m_net.g().nEdges() + v] = M;

    //Start PreflowPush for v
    PreflowPush<int> pp(mgraph, mg_twin, mg_weights, mg_s, mg_t);
    std::cout << "Flowvalue modified graph: " << pp.minCut() <<      std::endl;

Object pp是用人工源和接收器解决修改后的图形mgraph上的Min-Cut-Problem。原始图表位于m_net.g()。


    terminate called after throwing an instance of 'IloCplex::Exception'

在我看来,不可能像这样访问xvar和yvar的值? 我很感激任何帮助,因为我很失落如何做到这一点。 非常感谢!!

1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:0)


予。我强烈建议您使用try-catch来更好地理解CPLEX Exceptions。您也许可以像这样理解异常的本质。事实上,我建议你尝试一下catch-catch设置:

try {
//... YOUR CODE ...//
catch(IloException& e) {
    cerr << "CPLEX found the following exception: " << e << endl;
catch(...) {
    cerr << "The following unknown exception was found: " << endl;

II。在优化过程中与CPLEX交互的唯一方法是通过回调,对于Subtour Elimination Constraints(SECs),您需要将整数和分数SEC分开。

II.1 INTEGER:第一个是最简单的例程,O(n)例程可以帮助您识别节点解决方案的所有连接组件,然后您可以添加后续剪切防止此特定SEC出现在其他节点中。您可以使用addLocal()函数在本地强制执行切割,即仅在当前子树上强制执行切割,或使用add()函数全局执行切割,即在整个Branch-and-Cut树上执行切割。在任何情况下,总是记得添加.end()来终止剪切容器。否则你会有严重的内存泄漏问题,请相信我,哈哈。此回调需要通过Lazy Constraint Callback(ILOLAZYCONSTRAINTCALLBACK


II.2 分数:第二个是更复杂的。最简单的方法是使用Lysgaard教授的CVRPSEP库。现在,它是计算容量削减,Multistar,广义多级,框架容量,强化梳子和低压切割的最有效方式。此外,很容易链接任何现有的代码。链接也需要嵌入到解决方案流程中,因此也需要回调。在这种情况下,它将是User Cut Callback(ILOUSERCUTCALLBACK)。

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