输出位置Visual Basic

时间:2016-10-14 13:16:43

标签: vb.net visual-studio


Module Module1
    Sub Main()
        Dim WordNumber As Integer = 0
        Dim StartofWord As Integer = 1
        Dim Text As String = ""
        Dim L As Integer = 0
        Dim Word As String

        Console.WriteLine("Enter your sentence ")
        Dim LotsofText As String = UCase(Console.ReadLine)

        Console.WriteLine("Enter your word")
        Word = UCase(Console.ReadLine())

        'LotsofText= Console.ReadLine + " "
        If Mid(LotsofText, Len(LotsofText) - 1, 1) <> " " Then LotsofText = LotsofText + " "

        For L = 1 To LotsofText.Length
            If (Mid(LotsofText, L, 1)) = " " Then
                WordNumber = WordNumber + 1
                Text = (Mid(LotsofText, StartofWord, L - StartofWord))
                StartofWord = L + 1

                If Text = Word Then
                End If
            End If

        If Not Text = Word Then
            Console.WriteLine("Error word not found")
        End If
        Console.Write("Press Enter to Exit")
    End Sub
End Module

1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:1)



Public Shared Iterator Function GetIndexesOfWord(input As String, wordToFind As String, Optional comparer As StringComparer = Nothing, Optional wordSeparator As Char = " "c) As IEnumerable(Of Int32)
    If comparer Is Nothing Then comparer = StringComparer.Ordinal
    For index As Int32 = 0 To input.Length - 1
        If index = 0 OrElse input(index) = wordSeparator Then
            Dim token = input.Substring(index)
            Dim trimmed = token.TrimStart(wordSeparator)
            index = index + (token.Length - trimmed.Length) ' start of word
            Dim endIndex = input.IndexOf(wordSeparator, index)
            If endIndex = -1 Then endIndex = input.Length
            Dim length = endIndex - index
            Dim word = input.Substring(index, length)
            If comparer.Equals(word, wordToFind) Then
                Yield index
            End If
            index = endIndex - 1 ' -1 because the for-loop will jump over the space otherwise
        End If
End Function


Dim sentence = "this is just sample text that contains a text sample"
Dim word = "sample"
Dim indexes = GetIndexesOfWord(sentence, word)


Dim firstIndex As Int32 = indexes.First()


Dim indexList As List(Of Int32) = indexes.ToList()

如果您使用该列表,则可以检查lict.Count > 0,并且您知道该单词是否在句子中。如果您使用FirstLast或其他返回单个索引的方法,则可能会获得InvalidOperationException。在这种情况下,FirstOrdefault没有帮助,因为Int32的默认值为0,这是一个有效的索引。因此,您可以使用此方法来确定是否存在匹配,以及是否有一个获得第一个索引:

Dim firstIndex As Int32 = indexes.DefaultIfEmpty(-1).First()


由于您使用的是Visual Studio 2010,因此您无法在VB.NET中使用延迟执行迭代器和Yield语句。你要么必须返回第一个找到的索引,如果你只需要第一个索引就是有效的。或者您使用此方法填充包含所有索引的列表:

Public Shared Function GetIndexesOfWord(input As String, wordToFind As String, Optional comparer As StringComparer = Nothing, Optional wordSeparator As Char = " "c) As IEnumerable(Of Int32)
    If comparer Is Nothing Then comparer = StringComparer.Ordinal

    Dim allIndexes = new List(Of Int32)
    For index As Int32 = 0 To input.Length - 1
        If index = 0 OrElse input(index) = wordSeparator Then
            Dim token = input.Substring(index)
            Dim trimmed = token.TrimStart(wordSeparator)
            index = index + (token.Length - trimmed.Length) ' start of word
            Dim endIndex = input.IndexOf(wordSeparator, index)
            If endIndex = -1 Then endIndex = input.Length
            Dim length = endIndex - index
            Dim word = input.Substring(index, length)
            If comparer.Equals(word, wordToFind) Then
            End If
            index = endIndex - 1 ' -1 because the for-loop will jump over the space otherwise
        End If
    return allIndexes
End Function