
时间:2016-10-13 06:59:56

标签: xaml uwp uwp-xaml

我想在uwp或xaml中以圆形形状写入文本 以下是语法

  <Ellipse VerticalAlignment="Center" Margin="10,-266,10,10" Fill="#F2794B" Height="47" Width="47" StrokeThickness="5" /> 

enter image description here


1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:1)

你做不到。而是创建与public void authorize(Activity activity, String[] permissions, int activityCode, final DialogListener listener) { boolean singleSignOnStarted = false; mAuthDialogListener = listener; // Prefer single sign-on, where available. if (activityCode >= 0) { singleSignOnStarted = startSingleSignOn(activity, mAppId, permissions, activityCode); } // Otherwise fall back to traditional dialog. if (!singleSignOnStarted) { startDialogAuth(activity, permissions); } } public void authorizeCallback(int requestCode, int resultCode, Intent data) { if (requestCode == mAuthActivityCode) { // Successfully redirected. if (resultCode == Activity.RESULT_OK) { // Check OAuth 2.0/2.10 error code. String error = data.getStringExtra("error"); if (error == null) { error = data.getStringExtra("error_type"); } // A Facebook error occurred. if (error != null) { if (error.equals(SINGLE_SIGN_ON_DISABLED) || error.equals("AndroidAuthKillSwitchException")) { Util.logd("Facebook-authorize", "Hosted auth currently " + "disabled. Retrying dialog auth..."); startDialogAuth(mAuthActivity, mAuthPermissions); } else if (error.equals("access_denied") || error.equals("OAuthAccessDeniedException")) { Util.logd("Facebook-authorize", "Login canceled by user."); mAuthDialogListener.onCancel(); } else { String description = data.getStringExtra("error_description"); if (description != null) { error = error + ":" + description; } Util.logd("Facebook-authorize", "Login failed: " + error); mAuthDialogListener.onFacebookError( new FacebookError(error)); } // No errors. } else { setAccessToken(data.getStringExtra(TOKEN)); setAccessExpiresIn(data.getStringExtra(EXPIRES)); if (isSessionValid()) { Util.logd("Facebook-authorize", "Login Success! access_token=" + getAccessToken() + " expires=" + getAccessExpires()); mAuthDialogListener.onComplete(data.getExtras()); } else { mAuthDialogListener.onFacebookError(new FacebookError( "Failed to receive access token.")); } } // An error occurred before we could be redirected. } else if (resultCode == Activity.RESULT_CANCELED) { // An Android error occurred. if (data != null) { Util.logd("Facebook-authorize", "Login failed: " + data.getStringExtra("error")); mAuthDialogListener.onError( new DialogError( data.getStringExtra("error"), data.getIntExtra("error_code", -1), data.getStringExtra("failing_url"))); // User pressed the 'back' button. } else { Util.logd("Facebook-authorize", "Login canceled by user."); mAuthDialogListener.onCancel(); } } } } 大小相同的Grid,并将EllipseEllipse放入其中。