使用Adobe Reader打印>致命错误:Acrobat无法连接到DDE服务器

时间:2016-10-13 01:20:31

标签: vb.net adobe dde

尝试使用Adobe Reader打印但收到此消息:致命错误:Acrobat无法连接到DDE服务器

Dim AcroRd32ExePath As String = GetAcroRdPath()
Dim startInfo As New ProcessStartInfo()
startInfo.FileName = AcroRd32ExePath
startInfo.Arguments = String.Format(" /s /o /h /t ""{0}"" ""{1}""", fileName, PrinterName2)
startInfo.UseShellExecute = False
startInfo.CreateNoWindow = True
startInfo.WindowStyle = ProcessWindowStyle.Hidden

'CAUTION: Adobe Reader silently rejects the print job if the printer name doesn't match case exactly

'The following switches are available:
'/n - Launch a new instance of Reader even if one is already open
'/s - Don't show the splash screen
'/o - Don't show the open file dialog
'/h - Open as a minimized window
'/p <filename> - Open and go straight to the print dialog
'/t <filename> <printername> <drivername> <portname> - Print the file the specified printer.


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如果用户同时拥有Adobe Acrobat Standard和Adobe Reader。事实证明他们之前从未真正打开过Reader。我所要做的就是手动打开Reader并接受许可条款。工作正常!