
时间:2016-10-12 18:16:29

标签: content-management-system ektron

如何在Ektron版本中显示使用SmartForm创建的项目列表:9.00 SP3(Build



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编辑:您可以在using strongly typed objects with Ektron Smart Forms at Thomas Higginbotham's blog找到更详尽的信息。



首先,我有一些推荐的阅读材料。 Ken McAndrew(长期的Ektron开发者和现在的Sitecore开发者)将a nice set of posts about a class you can use to obtain Ektron's Smart Form content as .NET objects放在一起,使他们更容易使用。我建议使用Ken的版本(博客文章中的链接)。

还有a hangout featuring Bill Cava, original author of the method, Ken, and myself谈论这种方法,这可能会有所帮助。



  1. 为Smart Forms创建.NET模型
  2. 获取物品
  3. 将它们映射到ViewModel(可选)
  4. 将它们数据绑定到ListView或Repeater控件
  5. 为Smart Forms创建.NET模型


    1. 名称
    2. 说明(标题)
    3. 图片(为简单起见,存储为URL字符串,而不是<img />标记)
    4. Sample Smart Form: Press Photo

      接下来,点击&#34; XSD&#34; SmartForm数据设计视图中的按钮(您添加/管理字段的位置)并复制所有XSD代码。 (您将在下面的屏幕截图中看到XSD按钮,位于模态上方。)

      Sample Smart Form: XSD


      您希望运行file called XSD.exe(由Microsoft提供和记录,作为大多数Visual Studio安装的一部分)。这将使用XSD并为您生成一个C#类文件 - 这对于将Smart Form XML反序列化为.NET对象非常友好。

      在这里找到它(包含在Visual Studio 2015中):

      XSD.exe File Location


      1. XSD文件的路径
      2. 我想要存储生成的类文件的输出路径
      3. 我想要生成的类的名称空间(提示:我总是将名称空间设置为包含智能表单的名称 - 如果您为多个智能表单生成类,这可以防止冲突)
      4. 这里是代码和执行它的命令的屏幕截图。

        @ECHO OFF
        SET xsdExePath="C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft SDKs\Windows\v10.0A\bin\NETFX 4.6.1 Tools\xsd.exe"
        SET xsdFilePath="%~f1"
        SET outFolderPath="%~f2"
        SET ns=%3
        %xsdExePath% /c %xsdFilePath% /o:%outFilePath% /l:CS /n:%ns%

        Executing the Batch file

        这将在我的C:\ ContentTypes \目录中生成一个名为PressPhoto.cs的文件。

        进入我的Ektron项目,我将在我的App_Code文件夹的目录中添加Ken的SmartForm类(在他上面的博客中引用)和我的新PressPhoto类。就像这样(App_Code / CSCode下面的文件夹结构取决于你,但保持它的组织是为了你自己的理智):

        Placement of classes within App_Code/CSCode




        既然您已经基本上创建了自己的API来获取项目(替代方案是XML Transforms,顺便说一句),那么您已准备好使用它们。

        我更喜欢创建自己的&#34;经理&#34; class以及ViewModel。如果您不喜欢不同的方法,那么至少会为您提供示例代码以便朝着自己的方向前进。


        查看模型 - 非常基本

        namespace MyProject.ViewModels
            /// <summary>
            /// Provides the fields necessary to display a PressPhoto Smart Form to the site.
            /// </summary>
            public class PressPhotoViewModel
                public string Title { get; set; }
                public string Description { get; set; }
                public string ImageUrl { get; set; }
                public string ContentUrl { get; set; }
                public long ContentId { get; set; }
                public PressPhotoViewModel()


        using Ektron.Cms;
        using Ektron.Cms.Content;
        using Ektron.Cms.Common;
        using Ektron.Cms.Framework.Custom;
        using MyProject.SmartForms.PressPhoto;
        using MyProject.ViewModels;
        using System.Collections.Generic;
        using System.Linq;
        namespace MyProject.Managers
            /// <summary>
            /// Provides CRUD operations for managing PressPhoto objects within the CMS.
            /// </summary>
            public class PressPhotoManager
                 * "root" is the default root element of the Smart Form XML. 
                 * If you've changed this, your code will be different. Most people don't, 
                 * so I'm going with the lowest-common-denominator example.
                 * I normally set the "root" to something else, and thus give it a more 
                 * meaningful class name. I also tend to load this manager via something more
                 * similar to a singleton, but for simplicity's sake...
                private SmartFormManager<root> pressPhotoManager = new SmartFormManager<root>();
                public PressPhotoManager()
                    // Nothing needs done here for this example.
                 * Usually, I'm not interested in writing information back to the DB, so
                 * I'm only going to include samples for GetItem and GetList (by folder) here.
                /// <summary>
                /// Retrieves a PressPhoto item by its Ektron Content ID
                /// </summary>
                /// <param name="ContentId">Ektron Smart Form Content Id</param>
                /// <returns>Press Photo ViewModel for display</returns>
                public PressPhotoViewModel GetItem(long ContentId)
                     * Get items - this returns an object that is the amalgamation of the standard 
                     * Ektron ContentData object and the deserialized Smart Form information.
                     * The format is:
                     * * systemObject.Content = standard ContentData fields
                     * * systemOjbect.SmartForm = Smart Form fields
                     * For some reason, the returned object in the custom class inherits from ContentData.
                     * This inheritance is probably not necessary and is also likely confusing. So only try 
                     * to use the fields within the containers listed above.
                    var systemObject = pressPhotoManager.GetItem(ContentId, false);
                    if (systemObject == null) return null;
                     * I often want to map both Smart Form and ContentData fields to my output. This is where
                     * a ViewModel comes in handy - it normalizes the data to be rendered. So then I'm not 
                     * dealing with object.Content.* and object.SmartForm.* during rendering.
                     * Another note: You might consider putting this mapping into a constructor in
                     * the ViewModel in order to avoid the repetition you'll find in the GetList method
                     * below.
                    return new PressPhotoViewModel()
                        ContentId = systemObject.Content.Id,
                        ContentUrl = systemObject.Content.Quicklink,
                        Title = systemObject.SmartForm.Name,
                        Description = systemObject.SmartForm.Caption,
                        ImageUrl = systemObject.SmartForm.Photo
                /// <summary>
                /// Retrieves a list of PressPhoto by the containing Ektron Folder Id (non-recursive)
                /// </summary>
                /// <param name="FolderId">Ektron Folder Id</param>
                /// <returns>Enumerable of Press Photo ViewModel for display</returns>
                public IEnumerable<PressPhotoViewModel> GetList(long FolderId)
                     * There are several "Criteria" objects. This is the simplist, but they also exist
                     * for retrieving items from a Collection, from Taxonomy, or given a certain 
                     * Metadata property value.
                    var criteria = new ContentCriteria();
                    // Filter tells the API which folder to retrieve content from.
                    criteria.AddFilter(ContentProperty.FolderId, CriteriaFilterOperator.EqualTo, FolderId);
                    // Don't check sub-folders.
                    criteria.FolderRecursive = false;
                     * Retrieve only 12. The default is 50. Get in the habit of setting this so you 
                     * don't grab 50 when you only need one.
                    criteria.PagingInfo = new PagingInfo(12);
                    // Only return metadata when you need it, for performance. Default here is false.
                    criteria.ReturnMetadata = false;
                    // Ordering FTW! Hopefully self-explanatory.
                    criteria.OrderByField = ContentProperty.Title;
                    criteria.OrderByDirection = EkEnumeration.OrderByDirection.Ascending;
                    // Same as above... 
                    var systemObjectList = pressPhotoManager.GetList(criteria);
                    if (systemObjectList == null || !systemObjectList.Any()) return null;
                    return systemObjectList.Select(p => new PressPhotoViewModel()
                        ContentId = p.Content.Id,
                        ContentUrl = p.Content.Quicklink,
                        Title = p.SmartForm.Name,
                        Description = p.SmartForm.Caption,
                        ImageUrl = p.SmartForm.Photo




        <%@ Control Language="C#" AutoEventWireup="true" CodeFile="Gallery.ascx.cs" Inherits="Components_Controls_Gallery" %>
        <asp:ListView ID="uxPhotoGallery" runat="server" ItemPlaceholderID="itemPlaceholder">
                    <asp:PlaceHolder ID="itemPlaceholder" runat="server" />
                        I'm mixing up two different ways of referencing the incoming data. One is by casting
                        the DataItem to the incoming type, which gives you intellisense access to the properties.
                        The other is more of a dictionary approach in which you have to type out the property name 
                        as a string.
                        I really like the casting approach, but it's mega-wordy.
                    <a href="<%#((MyProject.ViewModels.PressPhotoViewModel)Container.DataItem).ImageUrl %>">
                        <img src="<%#((MyProject.ViewModels.PressPhotoViewModel)Container.DataItem).ImageUrl %>" alt="<%#Eval("Description") %>" />
                        <div><%#Eval("Description") %></div>


        using MyProject.Managers;
        using System;
        using System.Linq;
        public partial class Components_Controls_Gallery : System.Web.UI.UserControl
            protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
                var pressPhotoManager = new PressPhotoManager();
                // Whichever folder Id... 
                var photos = pressPhotoManager.GetList(75);
                if (photos != null && photos.Any())
                    uxPhotoGallery.DataSource = photos;

